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Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:44 am
by Neilwootton
Hi Doc, yes thank you, I pm'd you Tuesday to confirm its receipt and confirmation it will be returned Monday 24th. Looking forward to posting the results, again, thank you for this kind gesture.

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:02 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Have you plugged it in yet? Anyway even if not using it power it up unconnected and leave it cooking.

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:27 pm
by Neilwootton
I've done as you say, powered it up and will leave it warming for a few days. Lovely bit of kit. Will give it a serious listen this weekend. :grin:

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:27 am
by Neilwootton
What magic is afoot here ! Listening to the loan phono 2 today through the Living Voice after leaving it cooking for a few days, audiofool bullshit aside this thing is staggeringly good, and I don't just mean, hmmmm it's different etc. I mean WTF good. Quiet, punchy and revealing it just sings. This coming bake off is going to be a total whitewash.
I've read and understand the reasons why but still don't get why NVA isn't dominant in the market place, it's just so much better than anything else, Christ knows how much money you would have to spend to better it and I've had some stupidly priced gear.

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:01 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
They were the same in the 1980's when the product line and circuits were developed, but back then there was a concerted industry political effort to try and kill us - it didn't work, but I had to go virtually export only to survive. Not just me being subject to it, look at the number of fine companies with fine products that were killed off by the bullshit. If you don't believe me ask Colin Wonfor.

The difference now is I cannot be shut up, I have a platform to tell the truth on and customers willing to see it. NOTE - why am I banned from other forums, why can't I show my wares and tell the truth about them. BECAUSE everyone of the them are scared shitless they will lose the support of their other trade members, so any promotion like loan schemes that show the truth about NVA are either shut down or not allowed in the first place. Comparisons like between fireybum and Phono 1 or 2 are DELIBERATELY avoided, anything that shows NVA in a good light is avoided. On AoS it is because of ONE sub human owner and his arse lickers, because he argued with me about a subject he thinks he knows about, but in reality knows feck all about, apart from what he thinks he likes. So I am banned and insulted and have had lies told about me (bad construction and fire risk) just to try and put me out of business. It didn't work, I am still here!!!!

From these beginning the product awareness will grow. But you must realise that as long as I am in charge NVA will never become a big company and cash in, it will always be only for MY customer, My enthusiast, and the eeediots can stay with the crap (well not all of it) they already own. I promise NVA will survive me and I hope this ethos will be maintained.

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:14 pm
by Neilwootton
Well said. :clap:

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:41 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
I hope at some point to get enough people / customer / momentum for them to solve the forum problems as only by membership pressure can the truth be shown. In the past the numbers of supporters have been small so forum owners can just dismiss them, insult them, or even often ban them if they support nva.

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:37 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Anyone from the forum (apart from Neil) going to this on Saturday.

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:06 pm
by _D_S_J_R_
Naim would have been one of the also-rans in the mid 70's until Ivor cottoned on for business purposes.. Think about it, no (obvious) tone controls, only three inputs with no tape monitoring for the then still popular reel-to-reel brigade, tacky boxes on the bolt-up models, no output protection and the early NAP160 ran almost to instability 'cos it made the sound more exciting I remember, thin tacky cheap interconnects and the hated DIN sockets, which weren't 'really' better apart from connecting the screen if the cable at the same time as the hot connector... Plentiful facilities and low THD were the buzz-words back then and Naim had none of this. The rest is turgid history!

Before I knew NVA properly, I don't think I'd ever read a bad word about the products themselves, although the Doc's firm stance on the forums never went down too well. hell, Ken Kessler loved the AP10P and I remember a review of the Phono 1 being positive as well - I think an early amp was reviewed in Hifi Review early on as well and these amps have come on a long way since then I believe.

Re: NVA bake-off

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:38 pm
by Daniel Quinn
DSJR , is this on the wrong thread as it is apropos nothing :teasing-neener: