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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:54 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Policy - I will give a new start to anyone I have had a problems with, all they have to do is not continue it and not reflect on it. Everything is reciprocal. There will be people who try to come here under the cloak of that but their festering spite is still just below the surface, they will not last long.

Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:25 pm
by kimangelis
Dear Sq225917

What are you trying to achieve... what is your goal or end-game or... purpose?

To be frank... I'm not nice like almost everyone else here... I'm irritated by intrusion upon educated, open, informed and balanced input. Personally I have gained tremendously from most if not all people here... So what do you want?

If the answer is to contribute in an unbiased, open and honest manner then so-be-it. If not then Fuck Off.

Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:03 am
by guydarryl
Sq225917 wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:11 pm I don't know about new start. I stand by anything i've written previously, anywhere. But obviously I'm here to contribute, not ruffle. In the spirit of the forum. That's why I use the same user name, I'm not here to pretend I'm anything I'm not and if anyone has issues with their opinion of me, I don't mind.

Thanks for the membership.

If you stand by anything that you have written previously then you can fuck off as far as I am concerned - you were very abusive to me a few years ago on PFM which resulted in your being "banned" for a short time (although YAWN posted for you while you were prevented from doing so).

Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:33 am
by savvypaul
A strange appearance by 'SQ'...

"I have insulted you loads, and stand by every word. Can we hang out together?"
Er, no.

Seemingly symptomatic of the AOS world where libel and bullying are not to be worried about if they are dressed up in matey language (and a sprinkling of smutty innuendo, should the opportunity present).

I am somewhat mystified by him, though, given that he said at AOS earlier this month:

"Yeh, the idea that they are in some way a time bomb is laughable. 'He' might have a short fuse, but I know people with nva gear well over a decade old and it's still trucking strong. Get one on demo, make your own mind up."

And also:

"I assume Richard has done the maths, measured the heatsink temp under real world conditions (⅓ max output power) and made everything accordingly. In fact I'm sure he has. It's a class 2 unit, genuinely doesn't need a fuse beyond the plug in the wall. He brews his own pcbs and chooses to bond all the components with thermal cement rather than screws and nuts because like DNM he's worried about eddy currents etc. It's not a looker inside by any stretch, but it's made in the Uk, by the designer and the boxes look smart on the outside. From my limited exposure to them they sound good enough as well. 20,000uf pSU filter/reservoir for a 50 watt class Ab amp is perfectly adequate. The ripple performance of the caps selected is more important than the nominal capacitance. Frankly if it was a valve amp we'd not give the point to point wired part of it a second thought. I'm not sure what the AR amp shows, other than they use cheap pcbs at 10x the cost."

Given these comments, I would have anticipated his appearance here to have been more worthwhile.

Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:18 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Flatty (flatpopely) Wanker (YNwhatever) and the bitch (SQwhatever) operated as a tag team on PFM for nearly a decade, bullying, insulting. Flatty is the village eeediot who supports the other two and normally starts the problem by saying something stupid. Wanker is the wouldbe hi-fi guru who because he worked in a shop selling Linn and Naim obviously knows everything there is to know - NOT! who would appear to bludgeon everyone with his ignorance, and the bitch would follow on behind to scratch their eyes out to finish them off. They were behind my removal from PFM as TonyL preferred to support them and boot me as the easier option, and that is behind ALL my problem with TonyL as I threw bigger lumps of shit back. That then passed to other forums. This is 12 years ago and the *ROOT* of all my on-line problems.

Anyway the TAG team seems to have split up but still claim to be friends, but the comments by SQ at AoS made me think that things may have changed and I could put the past in the past. All he had to do was not refer to it, but he can't can he, he has to show nothing has changed. Lets face it we all stand by what we have said if sometimes the motivation has been removed or lessened, but in that case to make progress we put it in the past and make a fresh start, if you don't then the shit just carries on, so now the shit will just carry on!

Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 8:24 am
by Alfi
Well said & handled Doc.

None of their clique can be trusted especially after all the crap and bile they've spewed over the years.

I don't think for one minute that they've spilt up, but possibly just changed tactics.


Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 9:31 am
by Fretless
For someone who claims to have been 'lurking' around HFS for a while it should be obvious that one of the strengths of this forum is a fundamental respect for other members here - even disagreements are (usually) carried out in a civilised way.

Coming to HFS with 'history' from other places means that someone should expect to have to explain previous actions or comments directed at individuals, with apologies if necessary. Anyone not doing that will, quite simply, get what they deserve.


Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:22 am
by savvypaul
Dr Bunsen Honeydew wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:18 am Flatty (flatpopely) Wanker (YNwhatever) and the bitch (SQwhatever) operated as a tag team on PFM for nearly a decade, bullying, insulting. Flatty is the village eeediot who supports the other two and normally starts the problem by saying something stupid. Wanker is the wouldbe hi-fi guru who because he worked in a shop selling Linn and Naim obviously knows everything there is to know - NOT! who would appear to bludgeon everyone with his ignorance, and the bitch would follow on behind to scratch their eyes out to finish them off. They were behind my removal from PFM as TonyL preferred to support them and boot me as the easier option, and that is behind ALL my problem with TonyL as I threw bigger lumps of shit back. That then passed to other forums. This is 12 years ago and the *ROOT* of all my on-line problems.

Anyway the TAG team seems to have split up but still claim to be friends, but the comments by SQ at AoS made me think that things may have changed and I could put the past in the past. All he had to do was not refer to it, but he can't can he, he has to show nothing has changed. Lets face it we all stand by what we have said if sometimes the motivation has been removed or lessened, but in that case to make progress we put it in the past and make a fresh start, if you don't then the shit just carries on, so now the shit will just carry on!
SQ implies in his first post that he disapproves of "the recent censure of NVA on multiple forums"...

...and in his next post justifies his own previous censure of NVA on multiple forums.

You couldn't make it up. Not the sharpest knife in the draw, methinks.

Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:55 am
by Hemmo1969
Good Morning all,

Pointed to the forum by some very friendly chaps I met at the Yorkshire HIFI Club meet yesterday in Huddersfield. So I'm here, going to have a good poke about and see what you're all about :)



Re: Introduce Yourselves

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:35 am
by hillsanddalesrover
Do you mangle a strat ?