I watched Voyagers tonight. Not the trashy Star Trek cash-in series, the 2021 film version with that boring git from Game of Thrones.
The first third was interesting. But then it descended into a copy of Lord of the Flies, High Noon, Alien.
Why do Hollywood space ships have so much internal room and wasted space in them? Such as cargo holds with just a few containers scattered around the floor.
And why does the gravity in the ships make no sense?
Why do huge interstellar space ships that grow their own food never get cobwebs in unused sections?
Why was there an airlock made from a rectangular door? What about the difficulty in getting reliable airtight seals at the corners when compared to a circular door?
Do these film makers think that we the audience are stupid and won't notice all their scientific and engineering gaffes?
Is it just laziness and lack of professionalism from the film-makers? With them being like a bunch of kids playing at making a movie?
Oh and what about basic electrical safety? The sort employed by every electrician in the UK. Like having a physical switch to isolate an area when doing electrical work.