Rubik's Cube (DIY speakers??)

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Re: Rubik's Cube (DIY speakers??)

Unread post by Fretless »

Perhaps She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed could suggest a nice colour to paint them.

High-gloss Peach or Apricot pastel for instance. 8-)
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Re: Rubik's Cube (DIY speakers??)

Unread post by Vinyl-ant »

I got away with my rediculous wardrobes by covering them in grey/white suedette cloth and adding a contrasting black top cap
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TheRealAleman (Mon May 20, 2024 6:32 pm)
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Re: Rubik's Cube (DIY speakers??)

Unread post by TheRealAleman »

Vinyl-ant wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 6:02 pm I got away with my rediculous wardrobes by covering them in grey/white suedette cloth and adding a contrasting black top cap
That's not going to work 😔 I did suggest a piano finished black walnut veneer but was accused of putting a couple of tree trunks in the room!!

I'm currently contemplating a pair of Lii Song Fast-15 drivers in solid wood open baffles.

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Re: Rubik's Cube (DIY speakers??)

Unread post by karatestu »

So all that work for nothing ? I know how that feels :roll:

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Re: Rubik's Cube (DIY speakers??)

Unread post by TheRealAleman »

karatestu wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 6:18 pm So all that work for nothing ? I know how that feels :roll:
Not so much ... I'm going to put the drivers in an open baffle config for my hobby room.

I have however decided to make a cabinet that is a little bit wider and deeper than the current Dali's and mount an upward firing 8" Ciare subwoofer driver, and use the drivers from a pair of Gale silver monitors (in a sealed cabinet in a cabinet) firing to the front.

The plan is to use the M600's to drive the low frequency through a RC Low Pass filter (-20db) or a Linkwitz Riley 2nd order crossover (-12db) the gale drivers will have a RC high pass filter in front of the current 1st order crossover and will be driven by the S300. Crossover frequency will be around 300Hz. The Ciare HWB200-4 drivers have a flat response up to 500Hz, and the 5 1/4 Gale can only go down to 70ish Hz so I don't see the point of crossing over at 100hz which would be normal for a sub driver.

So, to the point of this rambling. Rather than put the crossovers/ low/high pass filters in the speakers, which would obviously require 10W resistors, is there any reason why I couldn't put them between the Pre and power amps? That way I can use lower wattage resistors, and the amplifiers will be doing their stuff with less signal.

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Re: Rubik's Cube (DIY speakers??)

Unread post by karatestu »

I've forgotten some of what I learned so can't trust any of my own advice. What you propose is essentially a passive line level crossover which I think are superior to speaker level from what I tried myself. However, you can only really get away with first or second order filters because of insertion loses and impedance problems. Using the resistor already in the power amp input stage helps minimise these problems but you still should stick to a low order filter.
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