TheRealAleman wrote: ↑Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:49 pm
Being very cheeky here, but what are/were the dimensions of the Cubix sections?
Well, development. I "accidentally"

ordered a pair of
Kenford SBX2530 10" 4 Ohm drivers Yesterday, which have now been sent, so this project is officially
Off the Ground

And I have a pair of
Visaton G20-SC Tweeters sitting in my CPC basket (local to me so I can collect them in store).
The 300mm cabinets will be built from plywood, which will be reinforced internally with more plywood panels, and then steel lined. I'm going to get both plywood and steel laser cut to size. 5mm thick steel for sides and top, and 20mm for the base sound like a good idea?
Now onto the
Crossover components.

As I understand it a 3.3 uF capacitor, and 12 Ohm resistor in series with the tweeter is all that is required. However, as
"The Doc" drummed into us on many occasions, there are components and then there are
Components. Capacitor wise in the past
"The Doc" has suggested these
Russian Military K75-10 Hybrid Paper In Oil 3.3uF 500V Audio Capacitors which I can get, "nudge, nudge, wink wink", from a "guy" in Bulgaria

(*). In the intervening years did
"The Doc" use anything else??
Resistor wise , there is "bog standard" "common or garden" wire wound, at 20p each

Should I go a bit more "upmarket" and try either "cement" resistors (£1.40) or Panel mounted Heatsinked resistors at £1.83? I'm leaning toward the cement resistors as they are sold as
For use in Crossover Networks in PA and Hi-Fi . Options??
I cannot believe the price CPC want for 16SWG tinned copper wire ... Off to the Bay of E
Is there a thread on doping cones ... with pictures ??
(*) Assuming I don't break any trade embargoes

, or have a visit from the men

driving blacked out black Range Rovers