Very interesting thread, my highly modified Cubix came with stands Richard had made locally out of 6mm plate steel. Visually these are the most oil rig of oil rig stands, weighing in at 20lbs each and each Cubix is an additional 50lbs. Over the past 30 years I have tried numerous ideas and theories, for the most part I could hear some difference but I never came close to a eureka moment.
For the past 5 years I been more interested in decoupling and had been moving slowly but surely towards GAIA feet however I was unsure about taking a chance on spending circa £500 and also by the fact that 70lbs combined weight is just beyond the limit of GAIA 1s and right on the minimum weight for the GAIA 2s and ideally I would want to be close to the middle of the weight range to get the optimal benefit.
Then Stu can along with his inner tube idea which I tried to imitate but failed. But as I said at the time, I don't give up easily and I was always quietly confident there would a way to achieve this experiment.
Over the past 2 weeks I have made out of 9mm plywood what are basically trays with 15mm sides to retain the inner tubes and as a result I now a inner tube platform under the metal stand and a smaller one on top of it. After a long time faffing around with different size inner tubes and air pressures, plus countless different position it finally happened.

The improvement is not small, it's huge and it has honestly transformed my sound stage from decent to awesome. The bass is so big, deep and crisp that I have had to move the Cubix further out into the room than they have ever been in 30 years and 4 house moves. It's not just the bass that's improved, the presentation is factual louder, it has more energy and the timing is better but and there is always a but, the appearance of my " Heath Robinson " stands is dystopian weird and ugly

Now I know how to improve the sound, I will pause for a while and start to think about designing a pair of wooden stands to incorporate inner tubes. And the final proof point of the decoupling. In the last 2 weeks I have watched less than 2 hours of television and listened to between 40 and 45 hours of music
Ps I have PMd Stu to thank him for his original inspired idea