Well the Fosi Audio TP02 Subwoofer Amp has arrived, and has been installed. It's tiny :D and it's doing the job driving two 10" Kenford Bins in free air ...very flabby bass but that will tighten up when the bins go into a cabinet. Thinking about power supplies, My DACMagic 200 is currently being driven by the supplied "Cambridge Audio" wall wart (12V @2A) I'm thinking that moving to a LPS would result in an upgrade ... With the bonus of also powering my active crossover (12V @ 6W ) with clean power (also being powered by a TPLink 12V @ 2A wall wart from my box of spares), and I suppose if it had enough outputs and power the Volumio silent PC as well.
So do I spend big bucks and get something from iFi (Like the
iPower Elite, Or spend less bucks and buy an
iFi Wall wart. Then of course there is the Bay of E, and the huge number of "Chi Fi" LPS ... such as
this one and similar models. Of course if I'm going to get something from China then I may as well use AliExpress and save myself about 1/3 the cost.
Has anyone used Ali's Linear PSU''s and if so what ones?