Knowing that I had been busy with portable hifi, the ads for earbuds came rolling by, including some heavily-discounted models from 1More - a brand where a 'buzz' has been circulating around for some years now. Their 'Triple Driver' earbuds were reduced to under €50.
Couldn't help myself .....

These earbuds come in an incredibly luxurious box with an extensive selection of tips and a nice carry-case. They look cool too with a coppery-gold finish and a classy solidity.
1More are American-designed and Chinese-made. They aim to offer high-end sound at affordable prices and their wired earbud range features models with multiple drive units (up to 5). Highly-regarded by those in-the-know.
Extracting the buds from the ornate packaging and fitting the largest tips, which are perfect for me, these sit very comfortably in the ears and it's time for a listen. Where the Hifi Walker buds had recessed midrange, the 1More Triple displays a full, warm character. Totally different presentation, mellower without losing detail. On the pocket player they have a more relaxing, long-listen feeling.
Plugging both sets of buds into my THX headphone amp gave a different result with the HFW A1 suddenly giving a rounded and exciting display and the 1More remaining a bit restrained. Also I note a problem with some phone-ready buds that the side with the in-line mic tends to be a touch muted and needing balance correction - the 1More Triple appears to be pretty well balanced, certainly once you work out how to insert them properly.
The 1More Triple Driver earphones are an absolute steal for what I paid for them and I'm already considering their Quad and Penta models for the future. The Hifi Walker buds are intriguing me with the desk-based amp and I'll keep them there for a while. Might give them a try with my Tablet on late-night SF-series viewing.
Onwards we go.