I have joined the mainstream

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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

Sonos have recently updated their app. There has been a lot of negative comments about the "upgrade" and as there is no going back I think I will stick with the existing one.
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Shevans »

I use iOS and the app automatically updated, the whole system is now pretty much useless in the way I use the system.

Album artwork all missing, no searching of local music.

Editing alarms - gone, sleep timer - gone

Favourites and playlists greyed out and error on playing

Volume level numeric value - gone

These are just the things that affect me, bound to be more. Android users can hack and load an old version but iOS users are stuck with this until they fix the issues which won’t be all addressed until the mid June.
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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

The last post set alarm bells ringing eo I checked things ou5. I am an android user and the app has also automatically updated and is virtually useless. Can't access my music.
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Fretless »

Possible fix for Android is to find an older version on the Web and install that, then disable any automatic update possibilities.

Logic DM101 + Grado MCX + Cambridge Alva Duo
DigiVolumio PC + Kiss DP-500 + Sabaj A20d
NVA: Cube2 + LS6+ Sabaj A10a (2) + Little Bear MC2
TEAC TN-4D-SE + Sumiko Pearl
DigiDenafrips Ares II + Volumio PC + Cambridge CXC
NVA: P50 (phono)Aiyima A07 MAX (2) + Arcam One
Bedroom: Allo DigiOne + Sabaj A10d + Kenwood KA-660D
Office: Allo DigiOne SIG + SMSL M300se + Douk G4 (x2)
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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Fretless »

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CN211276 (Sat May 11, 2024 7:10 pm)

Logic DM101 + Grado MCX + Cambridge Alva Duo
DigiVolumio PC + Kiss DP-500 + Sabaj A20d
NVA: Cube2 + LS6+ Sabaj A10a (2) + Little Bear MC2
TEAC TN-4D-SE + Sumiko Pearl
DigiDenafrips Ares II + Volumio PC + Cambridge CXC
NVA: P50 (phono)Aiyima A07 MAX (2) + Arcam One
Bedroom: Allo DigiOne + Sabaj A10d + Kenwood KA-660D
Office: Allo DigiOne SIG + SMSL M300se + Douk G4 (x2)
Mission 760 + Monolith 887 + German Maestro GMP 450

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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

https://en.community.sonos.com/controll ... 24-6892187

A lot of unhappy bunnies.

Technology for you. :lol: I can still access my NAS and Qobuz favourites on my antique, multi box, plateful of spaghetti systems. :lol:
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Grumpytim »

I don't use Sonos at all, but I understand that their boxes can be seen by the UPNP plugin for LMS, which may be a way around the problem. Looking at the interweb it looks to me as if Sonos have done a huge whoopsie all over their users, not clever at all.

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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

I got round the issues, for my limited requirements, by deleting the updated app which I had no control over, and installing the new one.

Sonos have really shot themselves in the foot as there are so many lost features which I am sure are important to most users where it is the only system.
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Fretless »

Apparently Sonos will be revising the app over the next few months in order to put the missing functions back.

Luckily for me, I took my old-style Sonos Connect units out of use about a year ago. They were restricted to 16bit audio only. No hi-res.

Logic DM101 + Grado MCX + Cambridge Alva Duo
DigiVolumio PC + Kiss DP-500 + Sabaj A20d
NVA: Cube2 + LS6+ Sabaj A10a (2) + Little Bear MC2
TEAC TN-4D-SE + Sumiko Pearl
DigiDenafrips Ares II + Volumio PC + Cambridge CXC
NVA: P50 (phono)Aiyima A07 MAX (2) + Arcam One
Bedroom: Allo DigiOne + Sabaj A10d + Kenwood KA-660D
Office: Allo DigiOne SIG + SMSL M300se + Douk G4 (x2)
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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

Although I can play music the interface is terrible and I keep getting error messages. Can live with it as it is my third system. The majority who use it as a main system will be furious about the wait for things to be put right. Don't see why Sonos can't get rid of this upgrade and reinstall the old app which was very good.
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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