I have joined the mainstream

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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Fretless »

This is the Wiim Mini clone that I use in the kitchen.
Works well over wifi, better SQ than Sonos.
(needs Twonky on a WD MyCloud).

https://hifi-express.com/products/ieast ... 5413736692

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Logic DM101 + Grado MCX + Cambridge Alva Duo
DigiVolumio PC + Kiss DP-500 + Sabaj A20d
NVA: Cube2 + LS6+ Sabaj A10a (2) + Little Bear MC2
TEAC TN-4D-SE + Sumiko Pearl
DigiDenafrips Ares II + Volumio PC + Cambridge CXC
NVA: P50 (phono)Aiyima A07 MAX (2) + Arcam One
Bedroom: Allo DigiOne + Sabaj A10d + Kenwood KA-660D
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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Fretless »

Sonos have announced a software update coming on 22nd of July in which local network libraries will again be accessible for their devices.

I wonder how many customers this blunder has cost them?

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CN211276 (Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:42 pm) • slinger (Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:59 pm)

Logic DM101 + Grado MCX + Cambridge Alva Duo
DigiVolumio PC + Kiss DP-500 + Sabaj A20d
NVA: Cube2 + LS6+ Sabaj A10a (2) + Little Bear MC2
TEAC TN-4D-SE + Sumiko Pearl
DigiDenafrips Ares II + Volumio PC + Cambridge CXC
NVA: P50 (phono)Aiyima A07 MAX (2) + Arcam One
Bedroom: Allo DigiOne + Sabaj A10d + Kenwood KA-660D
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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

Fretless wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:03 pm Sonos have announced a software update coming on 22nd of July in which local network libraries will again be accessible for their devices.

I wonder how many customers this blunder has cost them?

Good to hear but I am not holding my breath. As well as the NAS I would like access to be restored to my Qobuz favourites and play lists.

For me it is third system, with a good app a big attraction, but for others it is state of the art where convenience over rides everything else. Sure it has lost them a lot of customers and potential customers
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

Fretless wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:03 pm Sonos have announced a software update coming on 22nd of July in which local network libraries will again be accessible for their devices.

It is the 22nd and I still can't access my NAS and Qobuz libraries.
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Fretless »

In the Google app store, the latest version has this in the fixes:

Added setup, configuration, and search for local Music Library

Don't know if you can just run an update on the app or have to reinstall it completely.

Sonos are getting heavy criticism about their app controllers, Let's hope they learn from this fracas.

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CN211276 (Mon Jul 22, 2024 6:28 pm)

Logic DM101 + Grado MCX + Cambridge Alva Duo
DigiVolumio PC + Kiss DP-500 + Sabaj A20d
NVA: Cube2 + LS6+ Sabaj A10a (2) + Little Bear MC2
TEAC TN-4D-SE + Sumiko Pearl
DigiDenafrips Ares II + Volumio PC + Cambridge CXC
NVA: P50 (phono)Aiyima A07 MAX (2) + Arcam One
Bedroom: Allo DigiOne + Sabaj A10d + Kenwood KA-660D
Office: Allo DigiOne SIG + SMSL M300se + Douk G4 (x2)
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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

Have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. A waste of time. Sonos seem to be burying their head in the sand and I'm sure it is costing them dearly. Can see a lot of their equipment going cheap on the second hand market.
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Shevans »

Two things changed recently…

The SMB level was changed, SMB 1 is no longer supported. Your NAS will hopefully have a setting for this, have a look and see if it’s already using SMB2/3 if not toggle it on.

The next major change was the way how the app discovers devices on the network, it now uses mDNS. In your router admin page there might be an option to turn mDNS (or anything that says multicast) on. Worthwhile also to see if there is a setting that says IGMP Snooping or IGM Proxy... turn it on.
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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

I will have to look at the settings on my NAS. Nearly all my listening on the Sonos system comprises Qobuz streams post loudness wars. The effects of severe compression and brickwalling are far less noticable than on the main system. With regard to Qobuz there has been progress since yesterday. The list of my favourite artists has now appeared. However it is in chronological order and there is no option to change to alphabetical.
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by Lordie82360now »

Imagine my surprise when being dragged around Marks and Spencer today.
Sedately playing in the background was Steely Dan’s “ Dirty Work”.
I have joined the mainstream in the extreme!
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slinger (Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:58 pm)
Digital Source: Eversolo Dmp-A6 with PD Creative EA6 PSU upgrade, Crucial external 1tb USB SSD, MCRU No 11 power cables, iPad 10th Gen 64mg, iPhone 8.
Amplifier: Eversolo Amp-F2, MCRU No 11 power cable.
Interconnects: Chord Chameleon XLR to XLR cables
Speakers: Quad S2 with NVA LS1 speaker cables.
Headphones: Soundmagic st23bt

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Re: I have joined the mainstream

Unread post by CN211276 »

https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/25/2420 ... ontroversy

Sonos apologise at last.

Although progress has been made they still have some way to go regarding the restoration of local libraries.
These users thanked the author CN211276 for the post:
Fretless (Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:37 am)
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
DH Labs ethernet, BNC & USB cables, Lindy cat 6 US ethernet cable

Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
Sonore MicroRendu, Chord Mojo 2 MCRU PSs, AQ Carbon USB cable & JB FMJ

Grado SR325e/Chord Mojo, Beyerdynamic Avetho/Questyle M12i


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