TEAC Direct Drive turntable

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Re: TEAC Direct Drive turntable

Unread post by CN211276 »

An interesting comparison with the Logic. 40 years ago the Logic was highly regarded, but not as good as the LP12. :lol: That was the time when anything which was not belt driven had to be avoided like the plague. :lol: If I knew then what I know now I don't think I would have embraced CD so soon. The plus side is that I bought lots of discs before the loudness wars. I am reaping the benefits now as ripped to WAV they sound so much better than compressed streamed remasters. :grin:

I concur about the importance of music during difficult times.
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Fretless (Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:24 pm) • Lindsayt (Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:40 am)
Main System
NVA BMU, P90SA/A80s (latest spec), Cube 1s, TIS, TISC(LS7)
Sonore OpticalRendu, Chord Mscaler & Qutest, Sbooster PSs
Network Acoustics Eno, ifi iPurifier3, AQ JB FMJ, Cisco 2940 & 2960
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Second System
NVA P20/ A20, Cubettes, LS3, TIS, SSP
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Re: TEAC Direct Drive turntable

Unread post by Fretless »

Well, I've been otherwise occupied for a while and all things Hifi had been pushed aside. However life now starts to settle down (slightly) and this afternoon I did something that I have been intending to do for a while; bring the TEAC DD deck downstairs and fire it up to compare against the venerable Logic DM101.


My expectations were that the elegance and openness of the Logic/Syrinx/Grado combination would soundly trounce the TD-4D-SE & Sumiko Pearl.

Wrong !

Again the TEAC turntable displays an awesome solidity and stability - more so than the belt-driven DM101 that has a tendency to run slightly fast. And then there is the Sumiko Pearl; sweet-sounding with a well-defined soundstage and an 'organic' integrity.

Swings and roundabouts. I think I miss some airiness and delicacy but the downstairs rig isn't arranged for ultimate fidelity and this deck sounds just terrific here.

It is such a pleasing turntable in every respect, I'll be keeping it down here for now and next is to try the Logic in the more analytical Upstairs system. Could be interesting.

And there's a new album from The Cure on the way!

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Grumpytim (Sun Oct 27, 2024 5:28 pm)

Logic DM101 + Grado MCX + Cambridge Alva Duo
DigiVolumio PC + Kiss DP-500 + Sabaj A20d
NVA: Cube2 + LS6+ Sabaj A10a (2) + Little Bear MC2
TEAC TN-4D-SE + Sumiko Pearl
DigiDenafrips Ares II + Volumio PC + Cambridge CXC
NVA: P50 (phono)Aiyima A07 MAX (2) + Arcam One
Bedroom: Allo DigiOne + Sabaj A10d + Kenwood KA-660D
Office: Allo DigiOne SIG + SMSL M300se + Douk G4 (x2)
Mission 760 + Monolith 887 + German Maestro GMP 450

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Re: TEAC Direct Drive turntable

Unread post by Vinyl-ant »

I have seen very similar results between my dds and belt drives.

The oracle and the roksan seem a bit more open, although sticking my sme 309 on the jbe has altered that balance somewhat. I have the same cart on the oracle and the my technics so its a fairly fair comparison. The jbe has all the good bits on it, the sme 309 and dynavector mc

I also gave the technics sl150 a bit of a going over, recapped and all the switches disassembled and cleaned, plus a bearing service. it has a tabriz arm on it now. That one is a bit of an enigma as it is very very good in the headphone system. Every other technics ive had has been a bit rubbish..

The two jvcs are actually very well balanced.

I have the oracle, the jvc y5 and the jbe set up downstairs and use them alternately when i actually get time to listen which is alarmingly rarely now, and the technics in the headphone system as mentioned, which gets more use than the main system does. The roksan and the jvc y3 are surplus at the moment.

No lencos any more, just the one left that isnt a runner right now.
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Fretless (Sat Oct 26, 2024 11:07 pm) • Grumpytim (Sun Oct 27, 2024 5:28 pm) • CycleCoach (Tue Oct 29, 2024 11:20 pm)
Analogue: Oracle Delphi, JBE series 3 SME 309 DV20x2l, Roksan Xerxes, JVC QL-y5f , Technics SL150, Tabriz, Rigb bodied AT440

Phono stages: Cole LCR, Benedict Audio Hothead

Digital: Cyrus cd7, Wiim mini x2, Topping e30

Amplification: Nelson Pass b1, Nelson Pass f5

Speakers: 15" Fane aperiodic wardrobes

Cans: Myryad z40, Hifiman Sundara, B&W p7

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