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Mark. M, by email...

I recently purchased some LS5 speaker cables and an SSP MK2 RCA interconnect. Wow!!! These cables are stunning. I have owned numerous top quality Chord cables in the past, this NVA stuff is in a different league, they are beautiful sounding cables that let your gear breathe, nothing added or taken away. I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone, you will definitely notice the difference. I own early Farlowe Exposure amplification and boy do these cables compliment, just couldn’t believe the difference, top notch.

https://nvahifi.co.uk/products/nva-ls5- ... us-lengths

https://nvahifi.co.uk/products/nva-ssp- ... us-lengths
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Hi Tom and Paul,

I just wanted to update you on my upgraded NVA phono.

On December 26th, I managed to get my pimped Lenco L75 to run in my new home the first time - of course, as promised, I had to try the new BBPSU with my phono 3 immediately.
(My L75 has a Schick 12" tonearm mounted and phono cartridge is a Hana ML - as a step up I use my trusted Michael Ulbrich, Consolidated Audio, 1:15 MC transformer (see my article on https://www.theaudioeagle.com/articles/ ... nster-can/

After a day of careful run in and since then a lot of Vinyl having been played, I can say that my phono 3 never sounded that good. :-)
Excellent rhythm and timing, musically groovy, clean and deep bass performance and basically no sound from the new BBPSU. The ps is ultra silent. Thank you Tom for an excellent job!

Only with the ear on the BBPSU case, you can hear a faint buzz from the transformers. This is so much better than before! Also no tripping of the main room fuse during switch on.

There is also no radio interference detectable, which the phono 3 picked up occasionally before (one day faint, on another day stronger... this is so far fully gone)

@Tom: Did you use the audio grade Toroidy transformers in my upgrade, as the ps is so silent?

I haven't compared my phono 3 with my two tube phonos by now (upgraded EAR 834 phono and the excellent phono stage in my EAR 868 tube preamp), but I can say that the phono 3 is now real fun to listen to, and seems to be - without comparison made - my best transistor phono in the house (Graham Slee Accession MM and Graham Slee Audio Jazz Club are the other transistor phonos).

Thank you both for an excellent upgrade (downgrade weight-wise)! :-)

I wish you and your families all the best for a happy, healthy and successful New Year!


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Okay this is I suppose a review but more in my case a cable shoot out . NVA have very kindly as they offer for most who contact them a 30 day loan of some 1 mtr interconnects . I have been given SC , SSC , SSP this would replace the current cables I was using from my dCS DAC to my NVA 60P amplifer .

I want to say and be quite clear here this is my honest view and it is using my system , my music , my ears any other sytems and music will and could be different . Anyone else listening could also find very different results than me .

My first issue was which order to do this ? Cheapest first , most expensive first , mid point first ? In the end I decided on most expensive first and that each cable would be given an hour playing a selection of music of very wide variety . Due to the set up there is a delay while they system is shut down and the cables swapped . I fully realise that this is less than ideal but it is what had to done in my case .

First comment is these are all good cables and they all follow the same sort of sound as NVA amps that being no real sound just natrual flowing music nothing spot lighted or over emphasised just make the connection and get out the way .

However there was no doubt in any way that for my system and music there was a very clear and obvious cable that just sound right and better than the others and in my case that was the SC cable . I am not sying this is better than the other two in all cases just that in mine it was so easy to hear that there was for me no argument . If the SC had proved to be the most expensive I would have I hope still said the same thing and realised that I could not at this time afford it . I did the initial trial yesterday leaving the SC in place then did the whole thing again today . I did not once change my mind or think it was close . End result is going to be me contacting NVA tomorrow and sending the other two cable back with thanks and then paying the price for the SC which are going to stay in place until I hear something much better and hopefully affordable .

This is not a put down of the other cables at all it is just in this case the SC works best and given that I have made a decent effort with both the others then I have to have courage and honesty to make the right choice for me .
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NVA S80 Review

After acquiring an old NVA P80 pre amplifier last summer and being astounded by its revealing nature (partnered with a fully serviced quad 606) I decided to pair it up with an S80 as I'd never had a matched system. I was also fascinated by the NVA approach. Before buying the S80 I upgraded the volume pot to a TKD 2CP-2511 and the selector to a nice Elma equivalent.

So how does the S80 compare to my beloved quad and 30kg boutique tube amp? (which is clearly in another league sonically compared to the quad). I had decided that even if it was a sideways move from the quad I'd still be very happy with my matched components (since most of my mismatched pre/power combos seemed so hit and miss) so I didn't have high expectations. giving some time to allow the caps to form to spec before really paying attention I was pretty much blown away with the sound this little amp was making. I felt like all my other components had been upgraded, even my speakers seemed to be in a new league and had come to life.

It gives what I can only describe as 'the magic' and the magic is only something I've experienced with tube amps only this was better, the sound is fuller but not bloated, detailed but never harsh or fatiguing. there is a better sense of realism, textures and spatiality... its easy to isolate individual instruments or vocals. Rhythm and timing are also exceptional. Three words fill my head when I think of the S80 and they are , musicality, musicality and yes, musicality! The 30 day home trial means you have nothing to lose if you're curious and customer service is brilliant, not to mention the fantastic finance options. I agree with the description that this may be all you ever need if you have sensitive speakers.

I'm now giving my tube amp an in depth service in a vain attempt to bring it up to NVA sound quality and will be enjoying it for what it is and no longer for its musical superiority. I have various speakers, some hard to drive so I have made use of NVAs excellent upgrade path and now have an S150 soon to be upgraded to the S300.

Highly recommend both company and product!


Everything mentioned above


Should be named 'The Revelation'

Because it really has been a revelation :)
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Alan, by email

My expensive valve integrated went pop so decided to buy a temporary replacement and plumped for NVA P50SA, M300's, SSP mkII, LS5.

The rest of my system is a Kuzma Stabi R, Viv Labs Rigid Float 9 ", Ortofon SPU ROYAL N, Thomas Mayer D3A partial silver phono stage and Tannoy Arden Legacy's.

I am not going to spout off, but all I can say in my opinion it sounds fantastic, musically engaging, detailed, dynamic, bass is weighty and detailed, and when my integrated is repaired it will be sold.

To add further credence to the above, a friend came round who is not into hifi but loves music, said he thought it sounded better than the my integrated.

I have just acquired a P50SA Mk2 and another pair of M300's for bi-amping. I will try the pre tonight and report back, and when I have sorted the extra sockets and a pair of LSTS speaker cables I have ordered for the power amps I will give a further update.
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Adrian. B, by email

In my journey for audio heaven I have bought, borrowed and listened to a dozen or so loudspeaker cables. I think my journey has nearly ended. I say this because the only direction I can go from here is it go up the range within NVA’s cabling. I have just brought the so called entry level LS3, the build is superb, and most importantly the sound is brilliantly transparent through the mid and, with a light delicate top end, and palpably layered bass. I care about beauty, and the LS3 cable delivers that every time!
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Chris. I, by email

The TIS interconnects were to replace a pair of SSP MkII’s between DAC and NVA M600 monoblocks. The SSP’s were sounding nice, so when the TIS’ were dropped in for the first time I wasn't sure what to expect. First impressions were interesting - by comparison the SSP’s were more laid back and recessed, but I had grown used to this sound. So initially whilst TIS were more up front with greater detail, a bigger soundstage and more bass, they were a tad overwhelming, and for a while I was swapping back and forth not sure which I preferred. But this has changed with time and the longer I have had TIS in the system the more I have come to appreciate them. The detail, soundstage and increased bass has evolved to include a much more relaxed feel. To my ears they took about 200 to 300 hours of play for them to fully break in. Now when I swap back to SSP MkII the SSP’s still sound great but TIS are definitely more musical and revealing. Since this purchase I now need a further pair of interconnects, so TIS it is..
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Saul, by email:

"After 30 years of audio enjoyment, a mixture of curiosity and equipment failure suggested a change was in order. Faced with a wealth of choice, I couldn't help but think about NVA as I'd long been captivated by their looks and intrigued by their ethos. Needless to say, the 30 day trial was an appetizing entryway and the selected items soon arrived (P50SA pre, M600 monos and P1 phono). Communication with Paul and team was first rate as too initial impressions of sound. Minus the usual hi-fi parlance, I can just say it sounded detailed, captivating and highly enjoyable. This sentiment has been shared by all who've listened to date. No matter the genre, the system shines and this has only developed as further NVA items have been added (Cube 1s, upgrade in cables and power supply). So here we are, 30 years in with both vinyl and CD sounding fabulous and shedding new light on many a recording."

NVA P50SA passive pre-amplifier: https://nvahifi.co.uk/collections/pream ... eamplifier

NVA M600 monoblock power amplifiers: https://nvahifi.co.uk/collections/power ... amplifiers

NVA P1 Phono Stage: https://nvahifi.co.uk/collections/phono ... no-pre-amp
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Alan. S. by email

Just had a pair of M300's upgraded to M600's and let's just say I am a happy bunny.

The M600's builds on the strengths of the M300's but with greater scale, dynamics, tighter bass, more detail and all this adds to the musicality.

In conclusion if you are using M300's and have £500 to spare get them upgraded.

If you don't use NVA even if you are using more so called 'exotic' kit and are wondering, then don't hesitate give it a try and you may be pleasantly surprised, I was, I did and I am.
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Unread post by savvypaul »

Hi Paul,

you guys must be kidding me - P50/S80 arrived today and after like 2-3 hours the sound just started to change so dramatically, that I can‘t believe it. I have NEVER heard Solid State amplifiers no matter of price sound this natural, unstressed and just 'right'. And the black black black background 😍😍😍

I am using „direct“ connection to P50 and have very high level source in front of it (Streamer, DAC, network isolation, AC power, etc) and my impression is, that the P50/S80 just passes the quality of the source through, so amazing. As speakers I am using Living Voice IBX-RW4 with 94 dB. What a nice sound right away, and completely hassle free, unlike with tubes ... Am wondering if I will keep my 80k Euro Tube Pre/Poweramp from Kondo Audionote… 😄🧐🙈..

I will definitely be staying on the NVA path and am already wondering if I should upgrade P50s volume control from potentiometer to resistors, phono pre, mono amps etc…

Anyway thank you SO much for this wonderful piece of music 🎶🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 and I will definitely tell all my Audio friends…

Best and thanks,
Robert from Heidelberg, Germany


https://nvahifi.co.uk/collections/syste ... tem-bundle
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