There are 'Berlin School' artists who are less well-known than their contemporaries like Tangerine Dream or Klaus Schulze, one of these is Bernd Kistenmacher who has released a couple of very fine electronic albums throughout the years and my favourite of these is 'Wake Up in the Sun'. Three long-form tracks played on analogue synths and sequencers (actually i'm not sure that he didn't play the sequencer parts by hand). Lovely, melodic EM that is both relaxing and enthralling.
As for relaxation, I have recently shifted the main bulk of my listening back from digital to vinyl. The passive switch/preamp Upstairs has returned the turntable there into active mode, also Downstairs I have discovered that the tiny Aiyima A07 MAX mono amps sound simply wonderful in conjunction with the Logic TT and vintage low-output Grado Signature MCX cartridge. I don't remember my analogue front ends ever sounding this good. The forwardness and accuracy of Class D amps combines excellently with the smooth delivery from the Grado's in both systems.
Food for psychologists must be that in some moods and circumstances I prefer digital playback - but at other times I really only want to listen to vinyl. Another motivation is that I am hunting down some old fusion and Krautrock artists from the 70's whose albums are only available as (2nd hand) LP's. Jane is one such group with titles like 'Between Heaven and Hell' and 'Age of Madness', both heavily influenced by Pink Floyd.
Happy listening Y'all.