Apparently the UK is set to have one of the wettest summers in over 100 years. Not good news for the spirits (barley is needed to make your malt whiskey - it doesn't just appear on a supermarket shelf). The wet start to the season has already played havoc within the food growing industry. It will also not be good for the tourism and outdoor attraction economy as people just stay at home.
Apparently the UK is set to have one of the wettest summers in over 100 years. Not good news for the spirits (barley is needed to make your malt whiskey - it doesn't just appear on a supermarket shelf). The wet start to the season has already played havoc within the food growing industry. It will also not be good for the tourism and outdoor attraction economy as people just stay at home.
Bit windy today. I was out of the worst of it where I am but it was bad enough. I can't imagine what it's like to be subject to 100 mph. I hope everybody is OK.
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