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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:16 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
To be honest the more I read about this box the less I like it. It seems to be thoroughly confusing. They recommend using the speaker outputs for best performance without even trying to explain the load that it presents to the amp output stage. AND anyone with any intelligence knows that some amps like certain loads and some will harm certain amps, yet they give no information.

I really cannot see the logic of taking a low impedance amplified (high voltage and current drive) signal and then feeding it to ANOTHER amplifier, or even worse going through the whole palaver of trying to convert it back to a line level signal.

Can any one put any logic or sense into this for me.


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:28 am
by lonergan2468
The lead just plugs in to back of REL, twist and lock, thats how I used it with emille amp, other end to amp speakers op was three wires, RED, BLACK< Yellow...yellow being the earth..that was connected to other speaker op...The amps need to run in..notice that I need very little volume..on 3 is loud enough, in this case is the power amp getting its max peak use ??????


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:57 am
by lonergan2468


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:58 am
by lonergan2468
The connection to the sub is no 6, the nutrick one


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:04 am
by lonergan2468
I will go to Torbay electronics this afternoon, and see if they have a suitable cable low level line input, 2 phono from pre amp out to one phone in to sub......


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:28 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Well you see that phono plug cable will make the whole system mono as it will cross the channels for everything. This is what I don't understand. That Nutrik plug is called a Speakon, it is Neutriks answer to the 4mm Banana plug, but hasn't caught on. It is for high level amplified signal which goes into the REL and is then ferked with so as to create a signal that can be re-amplified. This is what I don't like, as I haven't a clue what they are doing at that point to the signal, and that circuitry will be seen as part of the load by the power amp output stages.

All this is why I find REL such a confusing company, they do things very strangely, and any other sub woofer would be easy to connect in comparison. Personally I HATE subwoofers, I have never heard one that doesn't ferk up the music.

I think we need the input of people with more knowledge of REL than me.


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:17 pm
by Macca
Take a low level connection from the pre amp output to the phon rca inputs on the REL. Job done. That's not going to affect the NVA power amps at all.

REL alwaus recommend high level connection via speaker cable i.e you daisy chain power amp to subwoofer to speakers and they do that becuase supposedly this means the sub and the speakers get an identical feed. My personal experience is that it doesn't make a blind bit of difference but with some subs it does offer the option of cutting the bass feed (variably) to the main speakers so only the sub is producing the bass signal below the cut off. That will sometimes improve performance of the main speakers but only if they are a small 2 way 'satalleite' design.

If you do go for the high level option I don't think that the power amps will 'see' the subwoofer as a load although I'm unsure as to why that is. But I would stick with the low level connection it is much more straightforward.


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:36 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Yes but there is a stereo feed from the pre-amp and if you turn that to mono by wiring one end of the leads into one phono plug then because the pre-amp is passive and all three outputs are in parallel then it will make the main speaker system mono as well, this is what is throwing me. Or you can have the bass from just one channel coming out the subwoofer by just using one lead connected to either left or right channel. What REL should have done is have two line level phono sockets, one for each channel and merge them via a transformer or op amp based circuit to create the mono signal for their internal power amp, then there would be no mono-ing of the main system.


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:24 pm
by Macca
No, it won't mono the main feed to the speakers. If there is only one low level channel input to the sub just connect one RCA phono lead from the pre-amp out to that. Then run a stereo pair of RCA phono leads from another output on the pre-amp to the power amp as you would normally do. That's how I connect mine, although it's a Yammie not an REL.


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:53 pm
by lonergan2468
The instructions state using a y connector at pre amp end..there fore the left and right via y to the phono in at sub end