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Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:45 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
We have been at war since 9/11 when the USA declared war on terrorism, it is a different sort of war. Though if the Saudis, Kuwait etc went into Syria instead of relying on the West it would be a lot more legitimate. BUT the real war hanging over the region is Sunni v Shia, this is what is behind IS, the western thing is just secondary. The whole mediterranean middle east including Turkey through Egypt to Africa is a war zone and if we have any sense we should stay out of it, just close our borders, and start to deport large numbers of Muslims fanatics and fundementalists but where do you send them, I really don't care what race they are the problem is their religion. But where do you call a halt to it. I give you the example of Kazam, I hope he doesn't mind, you couldn't meet a nicer bloke so why should he suffer just because his father was from Pakistan. If all Muslims (I don't think he is practicing) were like Kaz I would welcome them, he has westernised and fitted in but still respects his culture, I wish they all could be like it. But the brainwash goes so deep that in the private minds most of them think we have asked for this and deserved it. I never forget the films and pictures of Muslim women coming out of their houses in the middle east and *celebrating* 9/11 as a victory with the traditional shouted warble, there is the mentality.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:49 am
by Alfi
Maybe Doc you feel so, but personally think I am not creating an inverse fantasy.

The majority of folk in the UK (if we can still call it that) are either completely brainwashed by the establishment media or else living in a false sense of security through their own ignorance/ambivalence or worse still apathy, "oh what's going on in Eastenders or Corrie tonight they ask!

Just look at/ listen to what Nigel Farage says in is own inimitable and somewhat direct way, then witness the establishment and bleeding heart brigade pour vitriol on him, only for them minutes later to say exactly the same thing but in establishment language. It sucks! I fear for the future of our country I really do. My Grand children are going to suffer because of what we allow to happen today.

Islamic culture will not integrate with Christianity (well I see very little of it)

I have nothing against Sheiks but cast your mind back to 1973 with the introduction of the motorcycle helmet Law. A motorcycle was my only form as transport back then and even without the
Law I would have worn a helmet. Sheikhs were exempted. Now the Law was sating you want to ride a motorcycle then you wear a helmet - simple, but a 70yr old British campaigner Fred Hill was often jailed for not wearing one in protest at the discrimination levelled at British citizens.. If a Sheik wants to use a Motorcycle then he should wear a helmet plain as. If his culture/faith does not allow it, then the doesn't ride a motorcycle. It's the Law of the land he is a citizen of !

I was talking to a guy the other day who was moaning about what the Tories are doing and the cuts they are planning. Did you vote I enquired, no he responded! Sir then you have no grounds to complain your apathy say it all and is partly what's wrong with folk in this country.

The French on the other hand know what they want and will fight for it.


Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:54 am
by Alfi
How anyone can believe that 9/11 was nothing other than an inside job I'll never know? It was imply a massive false flag event to kick it all off, and of course France will now become involved to oust Assad, a why they are moving their only aircraft carrier to the gulf. it is the last thing they should be doing. :angry-screaming: :angry-screaming:


Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:11 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Sorry Alfi but you have gone off into La-La land with that last post, it is you with these ridiculous fantasies that I don't understand how anyone can believe them.

And from the post before "Islamic culture will not integrate with Christianity (well I see very little of it)" why the feck should it, it is faith and belief, if you accept someone elses faith and belief then you basically deny your own - the definition of conflict in the making. The problem is not the humanity it is the brainwash, and that applies to Christianity as much as Islam. It is just that a majority of the Christian world apart from Africa no long lives in the middle ages. The present extreme problems within Islam were there in the middle ages with Christianity. Sunni v Shia look at Catholic v Protestant and how many wars were fought because of it, it has only changed now for us (apart from in loony places like N Ireland and Glasgow) because we have largely grown up and "civilised" society, they haven't and will take at least a generation to even start doing it.

It is not us that needs to change even though they think we should all be Muslim, and some of them think if we don't do it we should be killed. Just think back to the west sending out Missionaries into these other cultures, just as arrogant and equally stupid. All it has done is create competition between religions and a dividing line so that the people involved can have a jolly good war against each other.

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE CURRENT PROBLEMS - INCLUDING SYRIA - IS RELIGION AND CULTURE BASED. Get rid of the religions and you get rid of the problems.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:20 pm
by Alfi
Because I and many others cannot understand why those who follow Islamic faith escape it because it is what it is, only to recreate it and try to foist it on a Christian country!


Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:38 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Now that I agree with, and if you speak to Muslims, as I make a point of doing, when you broach that you get the classic confused denial of the brainwashed. They will try to make it fit their brainwash. A large number justify it by seeing it as their duty to try and convert us. Which is why I have read the Koran (in English translation) given to me by a Muslim, and the satisfaction that gave him as though he was fulfilling a religious duty by giving it to me.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:47 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Alfi, we are not a Christian country, that is our history and our heritage, not our present status. We are officially a multi cultural society. There are nearly as many Muslim attending mosques around Britain as Christians who go to church every week. 10% of the UK go to church so how can you call us a Christian country. Thankfully we are a country that is growing up and civilising and rejecting the stupidity of ALL religions.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:30 pm
by Alfi
Doc I agree in part. We are told we are multi cultural society but we are not truly integrated , perhaps we will never be because whilst we as a country are generally tolerant, Islamic religion is not, so different cultures exist in enclaves around the county and we are not living in harmony which is what we should perhaps be.

As I see it rightly or wrongly, the Islamic faith appears to be intolerant to our way of life. I am not particularly religious though I am tolerant of other views to my own, but does not the Koran teach that others not of their own faith are infidels and fit only to be eradicated and is what these IS nutter's are doing - killing anyone who is of a different viewpoint to their own.

I have a customer who is married to a Persian Lady (referred to as Persian for a reason) and she is one of the nicest persons you could ever meet as is he - a real gent.

I know you feel I am wrong, but I still firmly believe the traditional establishment record of 9/11 is fantasy itself.

I have to go off and do some mods now, hope it works :shock:


Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:45 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
One of Paris suicide bombers passed through Greek islands as migrant in October, Greek minister says.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:04 pm
by Alfi
Yes, Doc perhaps I may not be so much of a fantasist.
