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NVA P50sa

postby Jonty2547 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:34 pm

So, the plan was to wait until the weekend to fire up the P50sa. But i just couldn’t wait :doh:
What i’m hearing now from vinyl is utterly mind-blowing, and i mean completely night and day to how it sounded before. The sheer level of detail in the music is like nothing i’ve heard before from an LP.
Spinning a few CD’s also yielded extremely impressive gains over the P20. Theres lots of instruments that are in the background on various tracks and whilst clearly audible with the P20, the P50sa just seems to snap them into focus and sharpen them up. Almost like taking a photo and getting the focus absolutely spot on and resulting in the perfect picture.
But, the main jaw dropping moment was with vinyl, whether it be because of the P50sa or that my TT is now on a wall shelf or a combination of both i don’t know.
But for the relatively small cost of either, it’s by a country mile the best upgrade i’ve done so far.
I am, as you may have guessed, i'm a very happy bunny :animals-bunny: :guiness;
Oh, and i just love the "clicking" between volume settings :grin:

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From Savvy Row

My better half said 3 things re the Cube 1s:

On seeing them: They're interesting.

On hearing her favourite piece of Chopin: They're /bloody/ interesting.

On the track ending: How much will you sell the Harbeths for?

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Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

postby hughandella » Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:09 pm

as someone new to NVA in reply to original question --- I would heartily recommend buying the £300 (!!!!) P20/A20 package ..... if this doenst convince you that there is something going on here then I'd be amazed ..... I must admit several years ago I bought into the whole NAIM & LINN story (because that was what really all the dealers were peddling in these parts) and now I find it pretty hard to listen to NAIM at all it is so upfront --- they can sound ok in a shop because they seem designed to 'impress' on first hearing but they really tire me out - the opposite of musical for me ---- and if you buy into Naim and then go and say you feel it 'lacks ' sometg they suggest another bloody expensive power supply or similar ---- i think it's taking the pi$$ royally ....... but there are loads of people who love the stuff or havent heard anything else perhaps .... so I would buy the P2/A2 and see if you can pick up a pair of Snell Js or Ks or any decent sensitive speaker ( or even better buy my MAD 1920 speakers !) and for less than £1k i think you will be astonished ........ I am going to upgrade to the P50sa (for a net £200) and have ordered some LS5 speaker cable and am confident it will be an improvement but it is still unlikely to amaze as much as playing the v basic system did first off ...... and if you are anywhere near Coggeshall feel free to pop in !

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Unread post by BillyBones »

OK then, it's 3 weeks or so since I took delivery of my A20/P20. As you can gather above I was chuffed to bits with them, loved everything about them. My initial slight reservation about not having a remote control for the first time in 30 years seems a long time ago, it's just not an issue now.

Anyway as I mentioned above, I knew straight away that the A20/P20 would just be the first rung on the NVA ladder for me, and so I've taken the plunge and invested in a pair of A40 mk2 monoblocks. I think I read somewhere on here that as you move up the chain you get the same NVA quality, but just more of it. This I have found with the move up to the A40's. I'm sat here on my day off listening to Radio Paradise through my Squeezebox Touch/Beresford Caiman mkII and it's never sounded better. Such a dynamic listen, plenty of slam, lovely soundstage, and great bass when it's needed. I used to think my old Creek 5350 integrated amp was the business, and to be fair it is a very fine amp. However, both the P20/A20 and P20/A40 combos leave it for dead.

I'm sorry I don't do "review speak" and find it almost impossible to put into words what I'm listening to, but I repeat again, if you're hovering over the Buy It Now button, just go for it, you've got nothing to lose. I'm not sure where my next step in the world of NVA may take me, but that's it now for this year. I'm just going to continue enjoying the music.


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Unread post by Firebug1 »

I got my AP10P about four months ago and it is very good indeed. I have ATH-A900X headphones and with my previous headphone amp they sounded soft and bit dark. Now with AP10P sound is muc more controlled detailed and refined. My overall listening experience ia now much more enjoying than it was before. Very good sound per pound ratio indeed!
Rega by Michael Lim\Teac\ASR\NVA\
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Unread post by savvypaul »

CUBE1 Review

I've owned quite a few brands of speakers over the course of the last 30 years, in roughly chronological order: BLQ1, Epos ES14, Linn Kans (3 times), Heybrook HB1, Mission 70mk2, Rega Ela Mk1, Impulse H6, Royd Eden, Mission 753, Usher s-520, Harbeth P3ESR...and probably a few more that I don't recall right now as they fell into the 'oh god, no' category and time / memory loss is a great healer :lol:

All the above did some things well; the Royds, Kans and BLQs were great communicators but ultimately unsatisfying due to missing bass (real and perceived), the Mission 70mk2 came close to adding some bass to the qualities of the Royds / Kans / BLQs but were outrageously coarse (I recently realised that they have a very simple crossover arrangement, so there was perhaps a decent idea lurking behind the cheapo components), the Heybrooks promised balance for a short while but were too 'obvious' at both extremes, the Impulses gave a lot of pleasure but were a little shouty and just overpowered / didn't really fit in my living space and I had to eventually accept the inevitable, the Regas were great in many ways but they lacked a bit of 'oomph' for my tastes at that time, the Mission 753s were dreadful screamers and only have a place in my heart because they persuaded me to never trust a magazine review ever again, the Ushers were a slightly more refined version of the Mission 70mk2 to my ears but still fatiguing in the long term, the Harbeths are wonderfully refined and, while they are a little constrained at times, I hold them dear. I wasn't really looking to replace the Harbeths but I was tempted to try more NVA after I was blown away by the improvement that the Balanced Mains Unit has made to my existing system at a very sensible price. I read more about the philosophy behind the NVA designs, the quality of the components, the savings offered by not paying for marketing and dealers, the 30 day home trial, and the full value upgrade path...and knew I had to hear more. When a relatively new pair of traded-in Cube 1s became available with warranty from Doc, I hit the 'buy-it-now' button.

The Cubes are not the prettiest speaker I've ever owned, but they are not show-stopping ugly, either. I'd describe them as purposeful and mercifully lacking bling. They obviously fit in very well visually with the rest of the NVA range. The Cubes are easy to place in my living space as they work close to the wall. This placement is appreciated by the other members of the household, too. I picked up some positioning tips from threads in this forum prior to delivery. I have the Cubes about 5 inches from the back wall, about 5.5 feet apart and toed in so that the tweeters face directly at my usual 'lounging on the sofa' position. It's very easy to know when you have positioned the Cubes correctly because they aurally 'snap in place' in terms of focus, balance and slam. To my mind this makes them easier to place than 'normal' speakers. Too far away from the back wall they sound soft and indistinct, too far apart and the imaging is awry, too near the back wall and they can start to thud. You will absolutely know when you have got them right - like focusing a camera or binoculars. The whole process took me less than 30 minutes from un-boxing.

When I'm listening to new gear I always remind myself that my ears are only as knowledgeable as what I've heard before. In the case of speakers, having written out the list of my previous 'adventures', it seems that I am (a little embarrassingly) quite experienced. I had originally considered the Cube 2s as I reckoned that the 8" bass driver in the Cube 1s would boom in my peculiarly shaped / configured room, but my fears were completely unfounded. The Cubes have the 'hairs lifting on the back of the neck' type communication skills but also real, detailed, tight, proper bass, clear, transparent mids and open, natural highs. Imaging is broad and deep but natural and not at all contrived. The sound is very consistent as you move around the room - and I can now lounge horizontally on the sofa, which I very much appreciate! I don't yet fully understand how to describe it but they are different to any of the 'normal' speakers I have owned. They just sound 'free'. Speaker choice is reckoned to be very personal. My theory about that is that all the speakers I have owned previously have had some obvious compromises. Those compromises force you to make choices about what you cherish most and what downsides you are prepared to accept and therefore the 'discussion' becomes quite polarised. My suggestion is that the Cubes involve far fewer compromises. The one adjustment you might have to make is to suspend your previously learned prejudices about how speakers 'should' be.

Load-wise the Cubes seem easy to drive - they sing on the end of my 23 watt Sugden a21as2 integrated amp. I'm also going to try them on the end of NVA pre-power amps soon but for now the Sugden / Cube combination is bringing great pleasure.

Lastly, I should point out that my traded-in pair were, of course, already run-in :guiness;

I am in the hi-fi trade
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Re: BMU considerations
Postby CN211276 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:34 pm

The BMU, which looks sleek, is situated adjacent to my computer desk, well away from the amplifier and even further away from the sub woofer. It is completely silent. I have the amplifier, sub woofer and PC plugged into it. A distribution unit is connected to the fourth socket. My system is: Chord Mojo DAC, Arcam FMJ A19 amplifier, Dynaudio Emit 10 speakers (on solid, vintage, heavy Atacama stands) and Wharfdale Diamond SW150 subwoofer. The cable is QED XT40. The source has been Tidal Hi-Fi through my PC. Am yet to use it with my vintage Rega Planar 3, fitted with Denon DL 110 cartridge, or Acram Mini Bluetooth DAC.

As previously posted, I was taken aback on initial listning. After some extended listening I am better able to comment on the areas of improvement. Music played has ranged from Iron Maiden to Abba but has mainly been classic 70s rock which I am very familiar with. I can listen to more or less anything, to a greater or lesser extent, with the exceptions of rap and hip hop.

The huge improvement concerns sound stage and stereo image. I was not expecting this as I believed the listening room was the limiting factor. This was clearly not the case. On the basis of previous reviews of the BMU, perhaps I should not have been so surprised. Guitar solos are coming to the forefront over the rhythm section, almost as if Jimmy Page or Richie Blackmore are in the room. The case was the same with the saxophone solo on the Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar”. The sound stage/stereo image improvement was most pronounced on their “Exile on Main Street” album where I had previously considered the production to be a bit “muddy”. I do not now. On the same note (no pun intended) deep bass is more clearly defined and the sub woofer is performing as never before. This was very pronounced on the second side of Bowie’s “Low” album. Nothing is being reproduced which was not audible previously, it is just that everything is in its place, more coherent and more pleasurable to listen to.

Other areas of improvement are more subtle, but apparent. Dynamics, which I considered to be the system’s strongest point, have slightly improved. The power and intensity of John Bonham’s drumming really came through on heavier tracks on the well produced “Physical Graffiti” album. Also, piano and acoustic guitar seem more realistic. This was apparent on Bowie’s “Hunky Dory” album and the far more recent Iron Maiden “Empire of the clouds” track.

I think it is worth mentioning that my 18 month old grand daughter, who must have very acute hearing (and has not been attending rock concerts for over 40 years!), reacted in a way she had not previously when I have been playing music. The sound of Abba had her dancing for joy, as best someone that age can. While not participating, I was more aware of the quality of the production, which I had always overlooked, on their famous songs. A switch to Queen’s “We will rock you” had my grand daughter clapping her hands in time.

I am delighted with my purchase, the biggest plus being the removal of the doubts I had about the listening room which I thought I could do nothing about. The improvements I had made by experimenting with the positioning of the speakers were miniscule to those brought about by the introduction of the BMU. Why this is so, I do not know. I can only assume that there is a major problem with the mains. Although the house is detached, two others are in close proximity either side and behind. Are they sharing the same circuit and affecting supply? Previously the sound was better in the evenings (with or without a glass of something in my hand) than the day. Now it is consistent and far better than it was at its best previously.

I would recommend the BMU over any other item of equipment to anyone who thinks the room is adversely affecting SQ or has concerns about the mains supply. If it does not do the trick it can be returned.

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Unread post by Classicrock »

I have now spent a few days listening to a variety of music with the Phono 2 in place. This replaced a Rega Phono MC which was bought as a stop gap over 10 years ago. The Rega punched above it's weight especially as it cost £100 second hand but nearly new. Did have some issues losing signal intermittently - traced to the right output RCA probably from pulling off the over tight Kimber interconnects previously used. These were changed to SCC prior to purchase of the Phono 2. On Docs advice I also ordered SC for between deck and phono stage due to compatibility with low MC signal.

The Phono 2 (MC) arrived about a week ago but due to a Doc cock up the cable was delayed. Therefore initial listening done with cheopo Profigold cable between TT and phono stage. A cable that is surprisingly good for the money and likely preferable to many pricier audiofool products. Listening through the stage produced a more detailed and open sound though a little thin or stark at first. A few albums in and the sound seemed to snap into focus with a slight warmth but devoid of any hardness or brightness. The sound I can only describe as neutral. The only description I can give of the sound is that it lets you hear more of the music without any perceptible signature. What you get is dependent on the recording and quality of the TT. My stop gap Pioneer DD proved surprisingly capable.

After a couple days the SC arrived and substituting for the Profi revealed the later was stifling some detail and adding warmth. Again sounded a little thin and stark at first but after a few hours use the sound snapped into focus revealing an ease of listening. This combination is now even more revealing and producing a fantastically extended bass on recordings that allow this. The opening track on The Faces ' A Nod Is As Good As a Wink......'(Rhino Reissue) really shook the floorboards. This set up reveals the bass capabilities of the Mission 752's which are sounding better than ever after 20 yrs use. I am now wondering how much better a second PS will sound. I feel there is a lot more to come with a better TT and arm combination. It will require something over £2K to show the Pioneer a clean pair of heels.

System. Pioneer PLX1000 /AT33EV, Albarry Passive Pre, Lehmann buffer stage, Albarry M608 amps, Mission 752 speakers.
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Unread post by hughandella »

I now have a pair of SSC interconnects and LS5 speaker cable in place (replacing the 'free' but very capable SC and LS2 - both of which I am keeping for my second system !) and again the sound has moved up another notch ---- it is clean without being dry or overly bright ---- there are just more instruments on each track it seems (Ha ha) I'm playing some Paul Weller tracks I know very very well and it's like he's slipped a couple of extra players into the band --- very impressed in short ---- and the 'core' of my system is still the very cheapest amp Doc does, the A20/P20 combo ....... I've had a LOT more expensive gear in the past from the likes of Audio Note (Meishu and an expensive DAC straight into a pair of P2SE monos) Living Voice speakers with TQ cables etc etc ...... I am not saying my current set up is 'better' but it is every bit as enjoyable and involving (I've changed home meantime so it's not fair to compare directly and this is not a side by side blind comparison, so I am relying on memory --- but the feeling is genuine) and I have to say NVA works very well with Kudos C2 floorstanders (don't mention Cubes at this point please !)

So impressed am I ---- having moved to NVA to save money and 'downgrade' lol ........I have just now ordered a Sound Pipe for a digital interconnect (into current IfI audio DSD DAC) bought a barely used A30 mark II power amp in the classifieds and ordered a P50SA from the Doc !!

safe to say I am a convert !! ..... anyone passing Coggeshall (essex) fancying a listen feel free ..... I'm going to put something on WAM and AoS later and see what happens - these products need more coverage and support it's that simple to me


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OK so this is what the review on AoS really says. Everything else is not the review.

P20/A20 'intro package'

I have been on a gentle simplification of my system -- and the direction has been driven mostly by cost as I have not had full time work for a while and so cannot justify having several thousand £'s of gear however much I enjoy listening to it.
Therefore I was intrigued by the NVA offer of a passive pre with a 25 watt power amp, interconnect and speaker cable for £300 (!) -- I read up a little and gave it a go.
I have to say for the money ( and infact for significantly more new ) in my honest opinion the amplifiers represent tremendous value. They add no discernible audio signature that I am aware of but just seem to let the music play without being too 'bright'
I do not have the reviewers vocabulary and also am not sure I understand it when it is used by others (!) so I will just say I have just enjoyed listening and that is my only criteria.
Despite my best efforts the 'box swapper' within me is deeply ingrained and I admit I have been so impressed that I first upgraded the 'free' interconnects to a mid range 'super' sound cord (SSC) £55 for 0.5m pair and the 'free' speaker cable to LSA5 £125 for 1.5m pair --- both have made meaningful improvements ..... and as a result I have a 'soundpipe' digital interconnect and a stepped attenuator passive on order ( there is a like for like upgrade service ) ........

My system is now a Innuos/Zen music player (server&1TB NAS) > Ifi Audio DAC ( I miss the Sw1X but it had to go for financial reasons) > NVA amps > Kudos Cardea C2 speakers ( with mostly NVA cabling ) and I am very very pleased with how it all sounds


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