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Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:01 am
by savvypaul
Daniel Quinn wrote: I am more passionate about eradicating bollocks .
I am convinced that you are passionate... :lol:

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:19 am
by savvypaul
Dr Bunsen Honeydew wrote:I see nothing wrong with this conversation savvy, including your contribution.
I'm pleased to contribute in the interests of balance.
Dr Bunsen Honeydew wrote:This is all about DQ being a pedantic word smith. He has to be it is his job and his nature.
I'm more of a pragmatist, but still prepared to 'dig in' if I think it's justified. Strong opinions are cool.

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:29 am
by darius-lpv
ok citizen daniel quinn. my first language is not english so possibly I cannot put together review/ impressions to satisfy your requirements... but, if you dare to ask me a question without all the unnecessary gobbledygook I'll do my best.

ps. gobbledygook: "language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of technical terms"
mmm.. I did not know I used excessive technical terms in my posts. good to know.

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:45 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Well said Darius :clap:

You could of course write it in Polish and expect everyone to translate :lol:

Lets get this conversation back to balance. You no like, others like, so feckin' what :whistle:

For me I have a simple train of events now which is *my* process. Does it all work properly, if it does can Neil set it up so it doesn't do what you heard, or will he confirm your findings. How the conversation goes after that we will see.

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:47 am
by Daniel Quinn
If English is not your first language then I am impressed , I would not have known.

I am not sure I can explain any further than I already have as to what I found wrong with your reporting of what you heard.

But for future reference , people can get a better idea of what sound you are hearing if you describe what music you are listening to and how the sound you are hearing in the new product differs from what you usually hear .

I have NVA gear and I am content my hifi is excellent , but I have never heared AVI , who knows had you described the differences and why you prefer them I would be rushing out to buy some ;) . Seriously though , we all have preferences and it helps to place all our opinions in an appropriate context if they are presented coherently .

I consider this to be important in hif because it is awash with bullshit and bollocks language the justify the next big purchase .

ps- There was nothing personal about this , but I would say you set the tone of my response with your review and previous spat with LT .

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:51 am
by _D_S_J_R_
DQ, you don't have CUBES and this is something I feel you should address after this load of dust has settled, so you can get an idea what 'we're' going on about, good and bad. We both know (now recently for me) the potential of the Doc-Mod ideas in a conventional forward-firing box, but it's when the bass-mid driver is turned vertically that things get interesting..

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:56 am
by Daniel Quinn
You sir are a (ad hom - cool it DQ) !!!!

I am not taking issue with what he heard and it is therefore not necessary to own cubes .I was taking issue with the tone , coherency , cogency and meaning of what he wrote .I don't have a speaker that can brake the dynamic glass ceiling* either ,but I know its bollocks .

* for those not familiar This was a term used by a member I also took issue ;)

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:15 pm
by darius-lpv
It wasn't my intention to set bad tone and I'll try to describe the nva sound bit better..
Dan, did you ever hear ATC speakers?

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:20 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
_D_S_J_R_ wrote:DQ, you don't have CUBES and this is something I feel you should address after this load of dust has settled, so you can get an idea what 'we're' going on about, good and bad. We both know (now recently for me) the potential of the Doc-Mod ideas in a conventional forward-firing box, but it's when the bass-mid driver is turned vertically that things get interesting..
So you STILL don't understand Cubes, FFS :roll: It is a disease always looking for excuses to go back to the old ways. Doc Mods are PART WAY to Cubes, they are not better they are worse. If you don't see that after all the listening and explaining I have done then I give up. I have explained room interface so many times there seem little point in doing it again. Did Roy Allison have these problems when he tried to explain it :roll:

Re: AVI vs...? bake off anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:19 pm
by Daniel Quinn
Just been reading this thread on the AVI forum .

Listener on the fylde costs is none car owning disabled man , keen to listen to DM10's but does not want to shell out up front . Now the usual people join in . AJ tells him their is little risk cause they are good . JCBRUN s tells him a dealer in Birmingham as them { Birmingham :lol: } and darisu suggest this none driving disabled man can be there in a hour !

However AVI do not offer a sale or return and more importantly , nobody tells him as he will be buying them over the net , if he does not like them he can return then for a full refund . That will be that famous AVI customer service JCBRUM is always banging on about .