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Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:16 pm
by Bongobongo
Your first sentence implies that public opinion is still , or even more, in favour of leaving.
I am not aware of any possible source for this assertion.
It is a standard approach to arguing a case, making baseless assertions.
The argument about undermining democracy is a entirely debatable, in my view more reasons to remain become clear almost weekly, whereas those for leaving become more trivialised, based on the little englander syndrome, characterised by the vacuous performance of the power hungry Boris.

I don't think J Corbyn has distinguished himself, but you can't call a politician dishonest for playing politics.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:47 pm
by ArseHats
Listening to Mr Fox talk today about issues relating to the customs until and the single market, left me thinking that the Brexit outcome will be akin to a person getting out of an arrangement in which an NVA system is imposed on them, so that they can be completely free to choose whatever audio system they want from the shelves in Currys.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:40 pm
by CN211276
I strongly dispute that the lies were equal on both sides during the referendum campaign. I know people who realise they were ruled and would vote remain in a second referendum. I think Corbyn's change is a sign the tide is turning.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:25 am
by Classicrock
CN211276 wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:40 pm I strongly dispute that the lies were equal on both sides during the referendum campaign. I know people who realise they were ruled and would vote remain in a second referendum. I think Corbyn's change is a sign the tide is turning.
So you want a turncoat marxist in power? You seem to forget the Fear campaign Cameron launched with falsehoods about instant economic disaster if people voted for Brexit. Out means out and not ruled by Europe with no say on the rules. This would be the result of Corbyns current stance (which frankly could change to anything). A lot of people have changed their mind the other way having seen the demeanour of the EU bureaucrats in this farce. Latest appears to be an attempt to create a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. I think some remoaners still think they can scare or batter the public into a change of mind. Contrary to accusations I think the PM has been the most consistent on this matter (if you ignore the gabble coming from Boris these days). I find Theresa May utterly dedicated and trustworthy, something that can't be said for Corbyn with his latest U turn.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:18 pm
by CN211276
I have no use for Corbyn and regard him as a fossil from a bygone era, but at least he has shown the good sense to belatedly fall in with the views of most of his party, unlike the PM. She seems out of her depth, in fear of Borris Johnson and the lunatic right. The disaster predicted by the remainers is happening. The pound has crashed, jobs have been lost, the Irish border issue is a mess and Scotland is being dragged in screaming.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:42 pm
by SteveTheShadow
Classicrock wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:25 am
So you want a turncoat marxist in power?
Turncoat Marxist?
I've never read such a load of Daily Heil bollocks in all my life. :lol:

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:01 pm
by Daniel Quinn
Ad Hominem so removed.

Address the subject not the poster.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:13 pm
by Classicrock
ADMIN EDIT - Source removed so back on subject please.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:53 pm
by SteveTheShadow
Well the officers of the EU come to London tomorrow - and what are they going to find?
A Foreign Secretary who thinks Ireland is like Camden, two more household, high street names bankrupt with the loss of 5000 jobs, a little dusting of snow causing gridlock and a Prime Minister who sounds like a stuck record.
How they will laugh at us and report back to the EU "nothing to see here"!

Failed politicians, spivs, chancers and right wing, knuckle dragging gorillas are the voices behind Brexit, nobody of any standing.
The UK is trusting a bunch of knobheads to bring this home.

What a shambles.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:08 pm
by joe
The inevitable result of asking the electorate for a yes/no response to an incredibly complex question, then putting a complete idiot in charge of working out how to deal with the consequences, with the majority of MPs in both parties being asked to sign up to a major change in our trading relations to which they are entirely opposed. Plus, of course, fact-free ranting from the tabloids, yelling out 'traitor!' at anyone who dares the headlong rush towards a hard Brexit.