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Re: Nice little OA21S

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:20 pm
by Theo
terrybooth wrote: I have an interest since I have an XI, XII, Super VIII which will become redundant soon
Ooh, fabulous set up. I have very fond memories of mine. A good leap up from the 6/7/8.

Re: Nice little OA21S

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:29 pm
by Gromit
terrybooth wrote: I have an interest since I have an XI, XII, Super VIII which will become redundant soon
You could well have a buyer. ;)

I had an XI/XII/IVDR for a while, loved it - the XII from which is now doing service in a friend's set-up. From this I went to an XI/IX/IVDR, a rig which kept me happy for quite some time.

Re: Nice little OA21S

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:37 pm
by Gromit
terrybooth wrote: How much did it go for? (I have an interest since I have an XI, XII, Super VIII which will become redundant soon). And which system? I presume the PC? If a PC, usually a sign that you need to back up your data and rebuild (quicker than trying to figure out what is wrong.)
Oh, should've said my sound system, not the computer (which is a Mac).

The VI/VII/VIII went for 370 quid, quite a decent price I think as it was a late VII. I was busy doing something else and suddenly had a 'oops better check the Exposure auction' and it had finished about 2 mins earlier. :(

Re: Nice little OA21S

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:18 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Am I imagining thing or is that a lot less than they were going for last year. I thought old Exposure had gone up in price recently. Though their Roman numbers always confuse as to what is what and when.

Re: Nice little OA21S

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:29 pm
by Gromit
Dr Bunsen Honeydew wrote:Am I imagining thing or is that a lot less than they were going for last year. I thought old Exposure had gone up in price recently. Though their Roman numbers always confuse as to what is what and when.
You could be right - Expo stuff seems to be a bit hit'n'miss at the moment so difficult to pin down what each thing is/could be worth. A Super 15 integrated was on eBay recently; I thought it would fetch knocking on 400 quid so didn't bother bidding. It went for £250. A Super 20 went for £230.

As a general rule de thumb, the lower the number, the older the stuff. There was a 2 & 3 (pre/power - not sure which way round) but these are very rare.

Pre amps are: 7, 11, 14, 17, 19, 21
Powers: 4, 8, 16, 18
PSU: 6, 9, 12
Integrateds: 10, 15, 20, 25

Have owned a fair few of the above, and can say hand on heart that along with NVA they're the most musical devices I've had - I love 'em to bits. Only amp which really came close was the dinky WAD KEL84 valve amp which was a peach. No real grip nor power though.

Re: Nice little OA21S

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:48 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
So the Sony is not in the same ball park :?:

Re: Nice little OA21S

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:28 pm
by Gromit
Dr Bunsen Honeydew wrote:So the Sony is not in the same ball park :?:
Hard to say, but it is very very good indeed, coming as a bit of a shock when I first got it. The Inca Tech Claymore was a nice enough amp, and of course the darling of the press many moons ago, but the Sony really is better in just about every way. The Claymore bugged me for some time as I was getting bad room reaction from the speakers. Most people were blaming the speakers - I was blaming the amp. Folk thought I was mad but for once I proved myself right. Putting the Sony into the system tightened things up no end - bass regained pitch, and I could again listen to pretty much any sort of music I could throw at it.

I do fancy (need?) a bit of a change in the system though - the ProAcs work beautifully in our room but they're revealing little blighters and I'm not 100% sure that their marriage to the Sony is a happy one. The Sony's very neutral, both tonally and musically, and I feel the ProAcs need 'filling' a bit if that makes sense.