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Re: Your last listen

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:29 pm
by CN211276
George Harrison - Brainwashed
The Rolling Stones - Between the buttons

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:02 pm
by _D_S_J_R_
I've not played DSOTM for so long, something within me made me dig out the two CD's I have plus numerous rips of the later masterings to see if I could still tell any difference... Bloody hell I must be mad! I first really knew this album from a Dolby A master tape copy, so am spoiled to death here. Nearest to that memory by far is the twentieth anniversary CD (in a box) mastered by Doug Sax (rip) as part of the 'Sine On' box set. Later issues of the stereo mix tend to gently soften the highs just a bit (more like vinyl), where I like the slight extra 'bite' in the version I mentioned - Long case clocks usually go Ting loudly when the bell is struck, where the later masterings soften it a little...

Bloody 'ell, listening on headphones, the hums coming and going as tracks blend and fade is alarming. Not sure it's as vivid on speakers and of course the vinyl noise swamped it originally...

Looking on the Steve Hoffman forum about the remasters. 'Money' has added compression on the stereo CD compared to the Immersion Blu Ray - post #18 ... on.265932/

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:39 pm
by Fretless
Been so long since I've heard DSOTM that it could be time for a revisit.

Trivia time: Alan Parsons has a new album out next month.

Spinning now - Terry Riley's 'In C' from the album 'Four Four Three' by the Ragazze Quartet.

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:59 pm
by _D_S_J_R_
Youtube has the 2003 program about it and the soundtrack music does seem more 'vivid' again. I haven't heard the 5.1 mix, let alone in stereo from an Sa-CD player, but the SA-CD sound is taken from first generation tapes rather than the third generation stereo master and is far better it appears.

Currently, 'Leave It Open' by Pierre Moerlen's Gong. The title track is sublime.

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:49 pm
by CN211276
Emerson, Lake and Powell
Candlemass - Tales of creation

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:01 pm
by Fretless

Arvo Part 'Tabula Rasa' (ECM)

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:19 pm
by CN211276
The Rolling Stones - Tatoo you
The Velvet Underground - White light/white heat

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:32 pm
by Fretless
Okay you crossover fans: here's an album by a Canadian classical harpist featuring arrangements of, amongst others, Gentle Giant and Frank Zappa tunes.

Valerie Milot 'Orbis'


Valérie Milot - ORBIS - El Dorado (Mozetich)

Picked this up mainly because I am trying to get hold of different versions of 'Electric Counterpoint' by Steve Reich , which is also on this disc. This is Valerie Milot's seventh album, she has won many prestigious international awards and is regarded as one of the best harpists out there.
In a similar fashion to the likes of Lavinia Meijer and Remy van Kesteren, she does not confine herself to the standard harp repertoire but ventures over musical and technical boundaries with taste, skill and passion.

Classical music is more accessible than you might expect .... :violin: :violin: :violin:

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 7:02 pm
by CN211276
Pink Floyd - Obscured by clouds
Neil Young - Harvest
Led Zeppelin - Physical Grefitti
David Bowie - Heroes

Re: Your last listen

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:25 am
by Fretless
Here's one that will give the tweeters a workout and impress friends with the stunning clarity of your stereo installation:

James Blackshaw 'The Glass Bead Game'


James Blackshaw - Cross (Full Album Version)

Imagine Mike Oldfield channeling the spirit of Michael Hedges via 12-string acoustic guitar. :angelic-sunshine: