Strange Cargo.

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Dr Bunsen Honeydew
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Re: Strange Cargo.

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The UK is not a Band Aid for the worlds problems. Per usual it is all about balance and *peoples* perception of reality as opposed to the actual reality. We are faced with two problems, illegal immigration and uk prejudice. No answer is going to be the full answer and any solution will be costly one way or another.

Here is a controversial solution every immigrant has to be able to speak acceptable English. Every immigrant should have a Quran a Bible, a statue of Buddha, a photo of the Pope, what have you, put in front of them and a stamp in passport allowing them to stay here and asked to choose what is more important to them. And if possible proof that they have friends or relatives or their own funds to support them for 6 months. That would block 90% of it which would also take the heat out of the growing prejudice.

AND remember prejudice is not a logical process it is emotional, and it is far from being just a white thing. I had many Caribbean friends when younger and to hear black Jamaicans talk about black Africans and you will hear prejudice. It is the same the world over.

Daniel Quinn
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Re: Strange Cargo.

Unread post by Daniel Quinn »

I dont disagree , however on this issue we are talking about 12 unfortunate people , it is not a metaphor the problem of immigration .

It should also be remembered we have had our involvement in the creation of shitty situations elsewhere on the planet , From recent wars to the fact that the developed world as largely raped the undeveloped world of its resources to ensure our prosperity until now .

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Re: Strange Cargo.

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So has every nation, the Brits were just one of the last that fully milked it - it is human nature.

The only reason we are talking about them is due to publicity. They should be treated no differently to any other illegal immigrants. But if a Sikh community steps in and say they will sponsor them and make sure they are not a burden on the state then let them stay, if not then send them back.

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Re: Strange Cargo.

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I accept a lenient approach can encourage others ,however , if they can prove returning them will result in persectution , torture or death , then they will be allowed to stay pursuant of the human rights act , otherwise they will be sent back .

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Re: Strange Cargo.

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Well seeing as about 50% of the world population could argue that...... :roll:

Daniel Quinn
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Re: Strange Cargo.

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Yep but you gotta get here before you can plead it .

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Dr Bunsen Honeydew
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Re: Strange Cargo.

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So it becomes a business for people to make money to get people here.

It is not a solution, it is stupidity. Compassion is as compassion does, and as far as I am concerned getting people to face their own reality and doing something about it is the best compassion that can be given. Anything is better than dreaming and dying in a container.

Daniel Quinn
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Re: Strange Cargo.

Unread post by Daniel Quinn »

True , but a few illegal immigrants claiming asylum is a small price for those in power to pay . All sorts of absurd things are done to protect the status quo, but they remain rational cause they deal with the situation do not seek to solve it .

And indeed in many countries facing reality head on would mean kicking out multinationals pay piss poor wages to service the Wests consumerism , nationalizing all resources and looking after internal population properly . For two long we have seen the grotesque spectacle of foreign field set aside for coffee and cattle so we can have starbucks and mcdonalds whilst the internal population starves and the profits are garnered by the capitlaist class to buy football teams , paintings and 100ft yachts,

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Re: Strange Cargo.

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Back to the middle ages then eh DQ, there is no full answer and all solutions always are based on human nature, and greed and people usage either by corporate capitalism or local dictators will always happen - which is worse.

So called socialism (proper not pseudo like in the UK and France and Italy) on every occasion it has been tried has ended up with the latter.

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Re: Strange Cargo.

Unread post by Daniel Quinn »

that is a different debate and one we agree to disagree on ;) my limited point was if you fill your neighbors garden with shit , dont be surprised if they foresake cleaning it up and knock on your door to use your garden instead :grin:

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