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Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:44 am
by Classicrock
I found at least one component (buffer stage) which hated the BMU causing a very loud buzz. Why I didn't buy one mainly. I don't think it's universal and would favour a power regenerator. Some circuits obviously don't like +Ve, +Ve power. It's not related to wall wart either as my Beresford was OK. (Both components now sold on)

If you want something ready built with Tinker Board in a nice box there is the Volumio Primo which was reviewed by john Darko (there is a Youtube video) ... mio-primo/

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:14 pm
by Fretless
The BMU's incompatibility with the Magni headphone amp might be related to its PSU delivering 14V AC to the unit. It is the only device, so far, that has had a problem there.

Schiit are rather particular about users NOT using any other, third-party power supplies for their products.

The Volumio Primo looks nice. Costs 479 euro here.

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:18 pm
by Fretless
As Slinger mentioned earlier: bass guitar is much better defined now, easier to pick out subtle bass lines previously buried in the mix. Low bass is fuller and clearer. Imaging is generally sharper & tighter.

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 2:35 pm
by slinger
Track 1 on that Marcus Miller album is now one of my go-to tracks for testing. As I've got a sub in my system now, testing using a track where the bass is really up-front tends to show up any glaring imperfections in the balance of the sound.

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:43 pm
by Fretless
Quick Jitterbug experiment results.

Plugging a JB in-line on the output of the Wyrd. The Teradak Chameleon rejects the connection and won't work.

Plugging JB in-line on the output of the Tinkerboard to the Wyrd. Degrades sound and sucks the life out of it.

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:14 pm
by CN211276
I think the effect of the JB is very much application dependent. It makes a very noticable difference in my system, plugged into the microRendu streamer, cleaning up the higher frequencies. Prior to this it was plugged into the PC and the improvement was less. The acquisition of the streamer saw a night and day improvement from streaming from the PC and this seems to have affected what the JB adds.

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:40 pm
by Fretless
Quick Jitterbug experiment nr. 2:

Remove Jitterbug and listen. Test track is 'Darker Brighter' from Gilgamesh album 'Another Fine Tune You've Gotten Me Into'.

Sound is nice, a bit flat and restrained.

Add 1 JB to Tinkerboard. SQ takes a leap forward in vivid clarity and imaging sharpens up considerably. Cymbals a bit overly brash.

Add 2nd JB. Sound is smoother, more 3D, cymbals less splashy, instruments have more space and definition.

Conclusion. A single Jitterbug really makes a big positive difference. The second adds that subtle, relaxing musicality.

TTFN. :geek:

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:51 pm
by Fretless
Schiit's instructions about the Wyrd PSU:

Connect the supplied 6VAC wall-wart to Wyrd with the attached cord. Do not use different AC adapters, no matter how fractally perfect, cryogenically treated, or quantum aligned they are. Most wall-warts are DC output, and will not work with Wyrd. We are using linear rectification and some of the lowest-noise regulators on the planet to ensure the lowest noise USB power.

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:53 pm
by CN211276
I found that a second JB in a vacant USB port improved things when I was straming from the PC.

Re: Tinker, Tailor, Streamer, Pi.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:39 pm
by Fretless
Modern HiFi is strange. If myself from 30 years ago could see my system now, his first thought would be 'what are all those tiny little boxes doing? Where's the proper stereo gear?'

But I digress. :snooty:

Really, I wasn't expecting a big difference from adding a second USB lead of reasonable quality, thinking that the Schiit Wyrd's signal regeneration to the DAC needed the better link and that the input cable from the Tinkerboard was less important.

Wrong! :o

The second Inakustik Excellence USB arrived from Amazon (Germany) today and immediately got plugged into place as the input link to the Wyrd. Straightaway the sound character changes. More bass, fuller, deeper. A crystalline fineness brings out new detail in just about every familiar track I can throw at the system.

On Joni Mitchell's 'Miles of Aisles' you can pick out with ease all of the subtle stuff the bassist is doing. Pat Metheny and his Orchestrion Project has 3D staging where you literally see all the vast array of robotic musical instruments surrounding him. The 'Venetian Blind' effect about 5 minutes into Tangerine Dream's 'Poland' has never sounded so vivid as it floats around the room.

Gush, gush, I could go on.... :dance:

Already wondering about what a serious set of high-end USB leads will do - Slinger, have you got those Wireworld's yet??