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Re: Celestion DL8 modding.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:12 pm
by antonio66
You have asked in the past what 'musical' means in a review before DQ. I think my Cubes are both musical and fun. :lol:

Re: Celestion DL8 modding.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:31 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
I think fun is acceptable as a description but it has two obvious nuances. They make me dance and giggle but they are wrong. Well it could well be everything else you have heard is wrong and at last you are hearing it, but the brain can't accept it yet. Because things are so right fun becomes the overriding emotion. Secondly afraid to accept how right they are, as there are too many *experts* and equations and theories that say they should be wrong - wake up time folks. The current PFM DIY thread from Karatestu is a classic example of this process in action.

In Mr Bass's position as I say it could well be the dominance of the horn tweeter, it just needs taming a bit. Reversing tweeter polarity will do nothing as that is used to correct a phase inversion caused by lagging or leading phase changes given by filters i.e. daft crossovers. But even this cure will leave problems as it will create a lagging or leading phase of nearer one cycle, and in the case of his Doc Mods create a phase problem by trying to relieve a non existing phase problem

Re: Celestion DL8 modding.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:07 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
How are they running in Dave.