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Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:28 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
1/ I don't believe in God
2/ You can't sit on cloud
3/ I can't play the harp nor do I want to
4/ And even if I did or could I would still find the Junior Doctors a bunch of over inflated school children trying to play at being adult.
5/ Pro footballers or any sportsman get paid what we are stupidly willing to pay to watch them. They are a commodity bought and sold on their perceived skill. Perhaps we should do the same with Doctors. In which case most of these children would get a pay cut until they *proved* they had any skill. Do the young footballers in the acadamies get silly money, I think not.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:02 am
by Malaikat
Nor do I, but what is the true reality? None of us really knows. I understand that Doc practises or or has practised at one time, 'Tai Chi'. I myself practise a rudimentary form of 'Qigong' from which 'Tai Chi' is apparently derived. I think the teachings of Jeddah Mali (see on YouTube), are as close to reality as any in my humble opinion,

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:35 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:35 pm
by Malaikat
Thanks Doc, most interesting! Thought this thread had mysteriously disappeared. What do you think about Transcendental Meditation? I have practised this since 1974 - influenced by guess which band? (It was really cool to learn in those days). I think it works brilliantly, or of course I would have given it up years ago; but from what I have heard, the fees that are charged these days make me suspicious of the organisation's motives. Certain people seem to be obviou getting very rich on it . When I was initiated, it was a special 'pay what you think you can afford' offer and in those days it wasn't much - I think I paid a fiver! The benefits probably do merit a high fee, but it is a simple technique and in my opinion could be taught by anyone. In a way it reminds me of what I hear about the HiFi industry.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:54 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
I think based on mantras the Buddhist way, but I could be wrong. Hindu meditation is mostly based on bodily functions - breath - taste - third eye etc. Chinese Taoist meditation is based on the manipulation of Chi(Qi). Qigong manipulates it for health, Taiji manipulated it for martial purposes if trained correctly, but very very little correct training available in the west (or even in China) so little understanding of the martial side, so in reality becomes another Qigong.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:30 pm
by Malaikat
Yes, T.M. is mantra based. I also used to practise yoga, but found I was better suited to Qigong; albeit a very rudimentary form, but very effective. Good to encounter a forum where almost anything can be discussed!

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:17 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Taiji (tai-chi) is based on soft strength not hard strength so people haven't a clue and think it is like other hard martial arts like the Gongfu (kung-fu)s or Ka-ra-te like arts, and train it like that. So as in reality it is the opposite those people cannot understand it or deride it or say it cannot exist. How can muscle be defeated with softness, how can muscle strength be defeated by physical weakness, because there is a different type of strength, the soft power of Qi v the hard power of muscle.

But you will not learn that way as it has become very undercover and has almost taken on a secret nature and is only taught in China to disciples of a family or master, and is barely known let alone practiced in the West, my old master in Shanghai Tian Ying Jia* was one of the last, and much of what he knew has died with him as no one was good enough to be given it, even his son. The Chinese Government is scared of it as it is with lots of the ancient Chinese esoteric arts. All of the mystical Taoist Qigongs like the Black Hats are banned in China as they are seen as a practice of magic.


Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:51 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
This is a good book for anyone who want to understand the ancient Chinese esoteric arts. ... &q&f=false

The esoteric arts can be seen as a counter to western physical arts (science), it is like the yin to that yang and is the practice of metaphysical art. Modern China has now seen this as holding back China from becoming a *modern state* though some aspects like Chinese medicine have to a degree been retained. So most are now banned in mainland China but most are still practised in Taiwan and to a lesser degree in Hong Kong.

We are all trained in school / uni and brought up on logic and western science which sees problem solving as logical progression, and often that is all you need. But when stuck and have to think laterally the western mind gets lost, it cannot see behind the mirror. If we break it we then call it intuition or inspiration, or the intervention of a muse. Yes and the muse is us, the part of us we don't use as we don't know how. Anyway I have said enough, people will dismiss or they will search, it is just them fulfilling or pursuing their Toa (way).

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:05 am
by Malaikat
Wow(!), I can barely comprehend any of that! I practise Spring Forest Qigong; very simple form which can be seen on 'Youtube'.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:15 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Remember when we were living in caves and trees the Chinese had culture, science, philosophy. So their understanding is far ahead of ours, though some of the now largely defunct western esoteric arts were interesting, but very basic in comparison. Too much focus on one side of the mirror creates misbalance which is why Chinese culture stagnated and western culture became strong on its focus on the other side. Japan learnt first and opened to it, China has only opened more recently, and in classic yin and yang is over reacting, but in time it will learn to re-incorporate the Chinese way, and we should to learn from it as well. At the moment both Christianity and Islam are barriers to it even though in their inner circles they embrace some of its techniques and understandings.