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Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 11:33 am
by CN211276
Iron Maiden’s concert in Cardiff last night had an air of a defiant stance against terrorism, fans of music refusing to be deterred by the maniacs. Security was stringent with armed police. The last two times I have seen them have followed terrorist outrages, one in France last year prior to the Download mud bath, and the nutter in Norway before their last concert in Cardiff. As before, Bruce Dickinson issued words from the stage about them never being able to stop love, music and people having a good time.

I have been a big fan of iron Maiden for 35 years and they have never disappointed live. Unlike a lot of established bands they do not rely on past glories, most of the set was from the excellent latest “Book of souls” album, similar to download last year. Most old favourites are omitted, but not “ The number of the beast” and “Iron Maiden”. They were in fine form and their energy level has not diminished with age and they have no plans to call it a day soon. The stage show and pyrotechnics, largely based on the ancient Mayan civilisation, were something special. You really get your monies worth. It was good to see a lot of young people in the audience, showing classic rock still lives in.

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:19 pm
by terrybooth
Beth Rowley, Brudenell Social Club, Leeds.
IMG_20170609_223520119.jpg (796.64 KiB) Viewed 3965 times
(Sorry for fuzzy picture - maybe it does pay to buy a better smartphone.)

I discovered her Little Dreamer album (2008) I tihink from one of those, if you liked that, you might like this recommendations on Amazon. I loved that. She appeared in the film 'An Education' as the nightclub singer, loved that. She produced an EP in 2013 - Wretched Body - I didn't get on with that at all. Spotted her doing a bit on a charity CD and got that. I even heard her being played on a trip to Wickes one day.

I spotted adverts for gigs occasionally, but they were always down south. Spotted this and persuaded two friends to go with me to hear her. I was a little apprehensive that she might not be as good as I hopes she would be.

I learned three things last night.

1. I've been mispronouncing her name. It's Row and in noise not a line.
2. She's the daughter of a preacher and when she told him she didn't like the church music because it was too high or too low for her, introduced her to Mahalia Jackson.
3. I should not have worried. She was wonderful. She has a voice that reaches right into me and, live, it was even better.

She's touring fight now. So, look out for her.

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:05 am
by karatestu
Went to the Lets Rock Leeds 80's retro festival yesterday at Temple Newsam. Only 8 miles to travel so got a lift there and back - plenty of festival lager consumed and the weather was glorious. Feel a bit worse for wear today but it was worth it.

I did not really think i would enjoy it as much as i did. The 80's passed me by a bit as i was only very young and the bands i like where not there (The Smiths, The Cure etc etc) but i knew alot of the songs played. Highlight for me was 'From the Jam' which is original Jam member Bruce Foxton playing the Jam's greatest hits. Absolutely awesome, they kicked ass and sounded just like the real thing. Nick Hayward was also very good and Human League.

Ouch, my head hurts.

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:23 am
by wiicrackpot
Good for you, :clap: there's a big revival on retro gigs where a lot of 80's bands get together and go on tour,
they probably wouldn't fill venues on their own but as a collective, fans do flog to it as they get VFM,
behind all that fluffy hair, powder puff, lip gloss and boys try to look like girls shit, there's some good stuff, 8-)
maybe of interest to you, i sometimes go in Youtube and these 80's revival gigs are huge in Germany and Russia and such like,have indulge a lot on these full concerts and go ''oh yeah, i remember that''. :grin:

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:52 pm
by George Hincapie
Mrs Hincapie and I saw the Stone Roses at Wembley last night. Very good.

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:33 pm
by karatestu
George Hincapie wrote:Mrs Hincapie and I saw the Stone Roses at Wembley last night. Very good.
Kind of puts my experience in the shade. I would have appreciated a bit of shade yesterday - i sweated my nuts off.

Stone Roses would certainly be one to remember.

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:48 am
by wiicrackpot

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 7:58 pm
by karatestu
What is it about Radiohead ? Watched them at Glastonbury on the TV.

I love The Bends and OK Computer but imo it goes downhill fast from there. The music is interesting but i find the singing on the later stuff just grates on me and i find it unemotional.

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:02 pm
by wiicrackpot
Seen other posts on other places what is the best of Glastonbury, usual suspects Radiohead, Foo Fighters etc...saw a clip of Foo fighters, not my scene,for me, i've just seen the bests so far, Nile Rodgers 'Chic' and last night Elbow, Barry Gibb was pants.

Re: Last Live Listen

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:23 pm
by BillyBones
Barry Gibb and his band were excellent, my wife and I loved his performance.

Best of what I've seen were The Pretenders, and Elbow were their usual wonderful selves.