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Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:23 pm
by Daniel Quinn
They don't, for that is difficult. What they do is they don't form opinions without it..

If people had just gone I don't know because I'm being told shit, we wouldnt be in this mess.

But that is grown up and it seems we are not ready for a grown up democracy.

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:34 pm
by Classicrock
Is it time to compromise? - Fat chance reading this thread. 3 years of calling Brexit voters thick. Perhaps some of you should try telling them to their face. Likely you will get a thick ear. :lol:

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:10 pm
by savvypaul
Classicrock wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:34 pm Is it time to compromise? - Fat chance reading this thread. 3 years of calling Brexit voters thick. Perhaps some of you should try telling them to their face. Likely you will get a thick ear. :lol:
My compromise as a 100% Remainer is to accept that the result of the referendum must be enacted. Otherwise, democracy would be damaged.

The compromise I want from 100% Leavers is that we do not have any period of 'no deal' because that would damage most people.

Telling people that 'they will get a thick ear', is, erm, a bit unintelligent...

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:47 pm
by Classicrock
The point I'm making is comments I read here and on line would not be made directly to people or there would be consequences. Too many keyboard warriors. I actually would like a deal but I don't think the May deal as it is would run and when you look at it closely it is not leaving. Thing is some politicians are not aiming to stop no deal but in reality to stop Brexit. There appears to be more interest in an unelected power grab than coming to a solution at present. Boris may have not been elected but the Conservative party was in 2017.

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:04 pm
by savvypaul
Classicrock wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:47 pm The point I'm making is comments I read here and on line would not be made directly to people or there would be consequences. Too many keyboard warriors. I actually would like a deal but I don't think the May deal as it is would run and when you look at it closely it is not leaving. Thing is some politicians are not aiming to stop no deal but in reality to stop Brexit. There appears to be more interest in an unelected power grab than coming to a solution at present. Boris may have not been elected but the Conservative party was in 2017.
Your first sentence in your post in this thread was...

"If that labour scum get into power people should riot."

...well, hello, keyboard warrior. ;)

Yes, some politicians are hiding behind stopping no deal in the hope of blocking Brexit, altogether. Equally, some politicians are hiding behind that to deny the consequences of no-deal. If the ERG MPs had been willing to compromise, just a little, then the deal that May did would have gone through in March.

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:56 pm
by SteveTheShadow
I watched the editor of “Spike” Brendan O’ Neil on the BBC Politics Live Show, last Friday, encouraging people to riot over Brexit delays. This kind of statement is unacceptable and could cause destruction on the streets if people decide to take him up on his challenge.
IMO this whole thing has gone far enough ... -1-6294304

This is incitement and he knew it, backtracking on his comments pretty sharpish lest he get his collar felt.

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:27 pm
by CN211276
Dominic Cummings has said MPs who have received death threats should be expecting it and he is special advisor to the clown and was behind the leave campaign lies.

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:15 pm
by slinger
"We just need to get Brexit done" is the phrase I keep hearing trumpeted. Oct 31st, no deal, or even with a deal, is not "done" it's the start of a long, drawn-out process of selling Britain to the world and forging trade links, which could take up to ten years, just to get us back to the trade situation we have now. When people stop lying to me at worst, obfuscating the truth at best, I'll work out who I should be compromising with, because it's a two-way process. There has to be common ground, and there doesn't appear to be any. I'm happy to participate in a process of give-and-take, but not take, take, take.

I've just had a "two-day argument" on Twitter which started with someone posting pictures of the rally in Trafalgar Square yesterday in support if Soldier F. There were comments like "No fucking remoaners around today. Too scared to show their faces." and "I can't see any EU flags today, remoaner bastards are at home shitting themselves." There were plenty more in that vein.

I politely (for me) pointed out that the rally had nothing to do with Brexit, and the poster had no idea who was there or what their Brexit views were, and that obviously there would be no EU flags waved in support of a British soldier. I also, after another barrage of dick-headedness, told the posters (they had miraculously multiplied by now) that by dragging Brexit politics into a demo supporting Soldier F they were actually disrespecting him and the actual reason behind the rally/demo. The abuse, obviously then re-doubled, because I'd dared to suggest they were disrespecting a member of our military. "We wave Union Jacks. Remainers don't. QED" was another witty and insightful reply.

Not once did anyone, actually, consider, addressing, the point I was trying to make. I gave up in the end; it was like arguing with a fence-post.

If anyone can tell me how I find common ground with, and compromise with, those people, and they're far from alone, I'll be happy to give it a try. In the meantime, I'll carry on believing I'm right about Brexit, observing the law, and the ultimate democratic outcome, whatever it may be, whether I like it or not.

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:48 pm
by CaterhamKev
I don’t think there will ever be a compromise.
Having registered for a postal vote, like many other ex pats, the paperwork did not arrive in time for me to vote.

To be honest, my only interest is what happens to the value of the £ vs € as part of my pension is still in the U.K., but most of the people I work with think that Brexit is a massive political joke, and nobody seems to know what they are doing.

A no deal Brexit will hurt small U.K. business, quite possibly the smaller HiFi manufacturers. Staying in the EU will annoy a large part of the nation. Leaving will annoy the other part. You are damned if you don’t and damned if you do. I don’t think anybody knows what leaving with a deal, or without looks like.

I hope it is not too bad for you all

Re: It's time for EVERYONE to compromise...

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:34 pm
by CN211276
[quote=CN211276 post_id=198121 time=1569625665 user_id=290
The situation in Northern Ireland is delecate and we cannot risk a return to the previous violence. The referendum should never have been contemplated.

I saw this coming and what we are starting to see now is the tip of the ice berg. The way things are going I can see troops returning. I think the only way to prevent a return to the blood bath is at least to join the Customs Union.