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Forum Equipment Reviews

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:47 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
There is no ban on members (any member) of this forum reviewing product - any product. The stipulation is that those reviews are for this forum and not just a behind the back promotion of any on-line blogs or magazines who are trying to create a business.

Also if those reviews are shills or spams by either people who's business or business interest it is (spam) or by those who have a financial (free or discount product to promote the review) or friendship purpose (shill), they will be removed.

Re: Forum Equipment Reviews

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:42 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Docfoster wrote:Richard, thanks for making that statement. Please could you clarify that final point.
I would consider Jason a 'friend'. How would you feel about my posting with genuine enthusiasm for the TFS here (or elsewhere)?
It is obviously not black and white, we have to trust to a degree of honesty. You know your own motives, are you wishing to help him or to help other members, or just expressing your own enthusiasm. Anyway it is not difficult to spot the blatant ones, as we feature from other forums in "Elsewhere on the Web". I am sure you have already worked this out for yourself so perhaps you should look to your motives for bringing it up more than your motives for liking the TFS.

I consider all my customers to be my friends, but none are personal friends with personal motivations, in business it is better to avoid these. And along with this no one gets preferential treatment or discounts or gets groomed to be my forum shill as happens on other forums. So no NVA reviews here are shills!! If you get too close to your customers it opens up pressure on both sides which can be unfortunate. There are so many examples of this, especially on AoS.

Re: Forum Equipment Reviews

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:21 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Also it doesn't have to be new product to you. If there is something you have had for years and just have a desire to sing the praises of, then go ahead.