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Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:01 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Paris is having fun tonight (NOT) :x :x

Does it really have to come to a religious war. Muslims v the rest of the world, it is like a mad nightmare. This is the problem when people are brainwashed from birth with a belief, all common sense and logic goes out of the window and is replaced with faith and that belief.

If I ruled the world (good title for a song) the first thing I would outlaw is religion. Impossible I know, but will the human race survive this stupidity in the time it takes for these idiots to grow up and leave the middle ages.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:19 am
by slinger
I'm watching BBC News as I type, and it's bloody bad. England are slated to play France at footy on Tuesday. I'm not sure whether I want it to go ahead or not right now.

The thing is unless I'm mistaken all religions (including Islam) teach peace. It's the arseholes who use a warped version of religion for their own purposes that are the problem, not the billions of people who follow their chosen faith as it's taught. I'm not religious myself (if anything I'm a recovering Catholic) but I'll defend the right of anyone who wishes to follow the faith of their choice in the manner that their God has laid down in scripture etc.

It's not "Muslims v the rest of the world" it's anachronistic, fundamentalist, nut-jobs against anyone else, including Muslims as was seen at the Charlie Hebdo attack when they killed a Muslim police officer.

You can't ban politics because some politicians are corrupt and/or start wars. You can't ban religion based on the actions of those who are intent on subverting it.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:35 am
by jammy395
So what can we do Slinger......
Bury our heads in the sand and prey it all goes away.

Its time to demolish all the uk mosques and boot the muslim fuckers oot of Britain, whilst we still have the opportunity, Wait much longer and this opportunity will be gone the rag head radicals will be so numerous and to entrenched......Then you will see what the fuckers have in store for us.

May not see it ourselves, but pity our kid's.


Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:11 am
by Progmeister
jammy395 wrote:So what can we do Slinger......
Bury our heads in the sand and prey it all goes away.

Its time to demolish all the uk mosques and boot the muslim fuckers oot of Britain, whilst we still have the opportunity, Wait much longer and this opportunity will be gone the rag head radicals will be so numerous and to entrenched......Then you will see what the fuckers have in store for us.

May not see it ourselves, but pity our kid's.

indeed have to agree

Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:32 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
IMO it is ALL the fault of religion, it is just ours has become more civilised, we were just as bad in the middle ages. It is brainwash in all its forms that is the bane of mankind, and those poor Muslim bastards are brainwashed from birth into a violent misogynous evil cult!!

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:59 am
by alfafan123
These horrific and barbaric acts won't stop me believing in God but I confess it has stopped me believing in the benefit of religions. I simply don't understand why people are so intolerant of others who practise another religion.It seems tribal to me.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:02 am
by brit-pop
Quote from my favourite author William Gibson in response to the events.

'the asymmetry, in asymmetrical warfare, is that the little guy can only damage the big guy by getting him angry enough to self harm'

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:23 am
by Alfi
Indeed Doc and jammy is dead right.

What did I say here…. Post 4 ?

You boys need to watch other news channel not just the biased BBC and Sky both very much in he laps of the establishment who are casing all this mayhem.. Well the Schengen over with - Thank god! Let's hope for the end of the EU political union project is over soon too.

Any of you hear of the anger, hatred and confrontation in Calais last night? French army were called in 100's killed its kicking wood and will only get worse.. That arsehole Merkel hasn't helped one bit nor have her lapdogs in he EU commission - but there again they are all puppets of the US administration!


Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:27 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Brit - I see absolutely no logic in that statement, apart from "look at me and how clever I am".

And Alfi, you are creating just an inverse brainwash, you are taking it too far the other way into realms of paranoid fantasy.

Re: Nutters at it again

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:29 am
by brit-pop
Dr Bunsen Honeydew wrote:Brit - I see absolutely no logic in that statement, apart from "look at me and how clever I am".

And Alfi, you are creating just an inverse brainwash, you are taking it too far the other way into realms of paranoid fantasy.
Point is people already talking about war. That of course is the route to our own demise.