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A simple philosphy

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:35 pm
by slinger
Apropos of nothing -

Some of us prefer compromise to confrontation. Sadly, others who prefer confrontation are not always willing to let us compromise and demand we take one side or another. That's the time when confrontation wins out over compromise for me and one way or another I tell those people to fuck right off. It's not a complicated philosophy, but it seems to work for me, especially on the internet.

There was a time when I wasted time and energy arguing the fuck out of things that really had no bearing on my life.
There was a time when I became aware that I was getting physically and emotionally upset with people I'd never met, and was never likely to meet.

Eventually I came to know that it really wasn't worth letting a bunch of know-nothing, ignorant, argumentative twats have a negative effect on my reality. I suppose you'd say I grew up. I know I certainly would.

All of that doesn't mean I never argue online of course. It just means that if I don't argue with you then you know that I simply can't be arsed because I think that either you, your argument, or most probably both are not worth wasting time and keystrokes on. You should probably consider it a polite suggestion to "fuck off and get a life." ;)

My wife has the answer to which of us is right or wrong at any given time. She (she tells me) is always right. There are just times when she's more right than others. She's right of course, just not as right as she thinks she is.

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:42 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
I have another even simpler philosophy (though I wouldn't call it that, for me it is choice). I never start conflict, but if someone starts it with me then I finish it.

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:18 am
by joe
The fundamental point is that no-one ever 'wins' an argument on the internet. The best you can hope for is that the person you are arguing with get bored more quickly/easily than you, so you get 'the last word'. for which, incidentally, there is no prize.

Personally, I like arguing the toss; it helps sharpen my wits and helps me see things from others' perspectives, plus it's (often inadvertently) a good laugh. But it's a mistake to invest too much emotional capital in it, because, essentially, it's just some blokes with nothing better to do wittering on.

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:29 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
This is the mistake, investing emotional capital in it, or any capital. For me it is a game, it is a form of pleasure, I get no stress from it only amusement. The opponent makes the first move, game on! If that game carries on for a lifetime then so be it. Also it is reserved only for people who really deserve it, most spats are just that especially if the guy is basically a good guy, so they are let go or made-up. But there are some people in this world so sick or nasty (and in my case I count them on one hand) like Marco that it is a public service to show them up for what they are.

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:23 am
by jammy395
Apropos of nothing -
Some of us prefer compromise to confrontation. Sadly, others who prefer confrontation are not always willing to let us compromise and demand we take one side or another. That's the time when confrontation wins out over compromise for me and one way or another I tell those people to fuck right off. It's not a complicated philosophy, but it seems to work for me, especially on the internet.

A fine apropos indeed...... :clap:

Like Doc I find the whole shebang highly amusing,
One can either choose to join in or else sit on the sideline and spectate.


Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:38 am
by Fretless
What one hopes for on a forum like this is an informed discussion over certain subjects where your own ideas can be confirmed or disproved with sound reasoning. Also you can ask those who have more experience for advice. And you can leave tips for others based on your own experience.

All very amicable and friendly.

There are, however, those who misuse these public discussions to vent their own frustrations and inadequacies by starting arguments. Realising this - it is better to leave them to it without taking the bait and getting worked up about something that is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. The pathetic sods who resort to these tactics aren't interested in an exchange of information - they just want everyone to know how unhappy they are with their existence.


Well, I don' know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wondering how I get down the stairs

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you
Yes I am
Stuck in the middle with you

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:17 am
by jammy395
There are, however, those who misuse these public discussions to vent their own frustrations and inadequacies by starting arguments. Realising this - it is better to leave them to it without taking the bait and getting worked up about something that is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. The pathetic sods who resort to these tactics aren't interested in an exchange of information - they just want everyone to know how unhappy they are with their existence.(Fretless)

I'll drink to that Fret :guiness; Those bastards should be avoided at all costs. :mrgreen:

Of course those good folk's of a nervous & timid disposition, would perhaps do well to keep out of EWOTW...!!!

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:20 am
by Daniel Quinn
My simple philosophy .

Do not argue with me : You will not win :lol: :guiness;

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:54 am
by joe
Daniel Quinn wrote:My simple philosophy .

Do not argue with me : You will not win :lol: :guiness;
Like I said, no-one 'wins' internet arguments. You might demonstrate that someone is factually incorrect, but in terms of opinions, no-one can be proven wrong.

Re: A simple philosphy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:03 am
by Daniel Quinn
You are wrong . internet arguments are won frequently in 2 ways .

the losing interlocutor resorts to personal attack .
the losing interlocutor buggers off , waits a while and then starts passing your opinion of as their own long held belief ;)