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Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:08 am
by jammy395
Should Doctors Strike ?

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:37 am
by Classicrock
They are well paid professionals not a bunch of min wage employees trying to scrape by. Their excuse now appears to be saving the health service when they are destroying it. Unfortunately many health service employees are no longer there due to dedication of treating patients but are just self serving. The BMA did come to an agreement with the government that was considered reasonable by independent commentators. The 58% rejection is hardly a mandate for long strikes given it represents a minority of all Junior doctors. There is a limit to which government can keep making concessions. The doctors are behaving like a bunch of pampered uni students on a protest march! Does look like left wing militants have infiltrated the profession rather like the labour party.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:40 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
:clap: :clap: :clap: yes indeed Rocky.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:46 pm
by slinger
Classicrock wrote:They are well paid professionals not a bunch of min wage employees trying to scrape by. Their excuse now appears to be saving the health service when they are destroying it. Unfortunately many health service employees are no longer there due to dedication of treating patients but are just self serving. The BMA did come to an agreement with the government that was considered reasonable by independent commentators. The 58% rejection is hardly a mandate for long strikes given it represents a minority of all Junior doctors. There is a limit to which government can keep making concessions. The doctors are behaving like a bunch of pampered uni students on a protest march! Does look like left wing militants have infiltrated the profession rather like the labour party.
Basic salary for junior doctors starts at about £23,000 but increases in the second year to about £28,000 Not minimum wage, but not "well paid professionals" in my book either.

Many junior doctors currently work between 70 and 100 hours a week. As far as I can determine their current contract stipulates that they CAN work up to 91 hours in any seven day period, with a maximum of a 13 hour single shift.
Do you consider it safe to trust your health and well-being to someone who may be working their 12th 12 hour day (or night) in a row though? If that's pampered you can count me out.

The thing is, that's not what they're complaining about. They're complaining about having new contracts enforced after they were rejected.

58% rejection? Brexit scraped by on a 51.9% to 48.1% margin so I'd say 58% in this case is a clear enough mandate.

One last thing, do you really believe that all those "left wing militants" passed a 5 year medical degree (paying up to £9,000 a year in tuition fees, to be left with a debt of around £70,000) just so they could fuck up the government? It's not like a political party. You can't just pay your subs and get a vote. You cannot "infiltrate" the medical profession en masse

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:08 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
And they can become Consultants earning over £1m per annum and even in lowly General Practice they can earn over £100k per annum as a practice partner. They are simply paying their dues to learn how to be Doctors so that they can cash in, both in time (LEARNING!!!!) and relatively low salary, it is not a normal situation as anyone with any intelligence can see.

BUT they are children wishing to flex their political muscle and pretend to be grown up, that is all this is about. Saving the National Health my arse, they wouldn't know how to, and they obviously don't have the intelligence to see the problems the NHS faces. It is political they want the Corbyn solution of higher taxes and throwing money at the problem that means printing more money. This is basically the same argument that was fought in the winter of discontent in the late 70's, that also focused on the NHS, it was lost, seen to be crazy and caused the backlash of Thatcher. So some of you blame Thatcher, think again blame yourself for creating a Thatcher, she had to happen because of the lefts feckin' stupidity. "For every action there is a reaction". Every 20 years (each new generation of stupid kids who think they know everything) we get this madness all over again, each time it nearly kills the Labour Party. Well this time they might just kill it and create even more of the things some of you don't want.

The young Doctors are just fuel in this stupidity, sadly we have to go through it yet again.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:39 pm
by slinger
Dr Bunsen Honeydew wrote:it is not a normal situation as anyone with any intelligence can see.
I see no point in continuing to support my point of view as you've apparently dismissed me as ignorant. I now realise that there's only one opinion welcome in this thread, and it isn't mine.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:56 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
I am cross, and when cross I tend to be angry. I don't think *you personally* are ignorant, and you have already said you don't think it is a normal situation, so how does that make you ignorant. You have a different take on the solution and you are welcome to it.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:57 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
At least some common sense has emerged. From BBC website.

The British Medical Association has called off the junior doctors' strike due to take place in England next week amid concerns about patient safety.

The BMA said it was not backing down in the fight over a new contract.

It said strikes in October, November and December would go ahead unless the government negotiates a new deal.

Medical leaders and hospital managers had warned the short notice - the walkout was only announced last week - meant care would be put at risk.

And the General Medical Council had urged doctors to re-consider the stoppage, warning they could face regulatory action because the timing and length of the walkout would mean care was inevitably compromised.

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:17 pm
by zebbo
Some interesting reading:

Doc, where the hell have you found an NHS consultant earning a £1M salary?

Re: Doctors Strike....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:30 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
My one does! The Royal Marsden is full of rich Arabs with more Burqa seen than even at Harrods. They are all private and pay a fortune to be treated by the senior reputation Consultant of the Lung Cancer section, plus his other income. BUT I don't begrudge him he deserves to be successful, it is his underling wanna bees who want to strike I object to. They should be paying him to learn from him instead of complaining.

He is the one of the few consultants I have ever met who is not on an ego trip, but he definitely knows how good he is. Dr Sanjay Popat, yes an immigrant :lol: :lol: :lol: ... njay-popat

I am one of his star patients. We had chat last Tuesday with my latest CT scans (no change). He has kept me alive for 5 years since diagnosis which in stage 4 classification mean I am in a group of less than 5%, and he has kept me going on my present Genetic Drug long enough to have another one I am genetically matched to to be just about to go live with NICE approval. So the future looks good even if this present drug gets rejected eventually.
