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Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:56 am
by Malaikat
I currently have the following: Naim CD5 XS CD player (now over £2,000) and a Naim XS mk1 integrated amplifier (Mk 2 is now over £1,700 I think).
I bought the kit following receiving a gratuity after taking partial retirement.

After many years of reading HiFi mags from the 1970s through to the 1990s, I promised myself I would one day treat myself to Naim when funds would allow. I did buy a Linn LP12 in the 1980's for the same reasons, but to be honest thinking back on it; I had more enjoyment out of my previous Thorens TD160. Couldn't possibly be true though, could it?

I then got into Russ Andrews stuff which seemed to offer some improvements , at considerable cost(!), but not with Naim. I have tried different cables from various
manufacturers claiming improvements, but have always returned to the standard Naim interconnect / speaker cables.

The only non-Naim thing that seems to work with Naim is Doc's BMU. Ridiculously good for the money. I know Doc takes the p*ss out of 'foot tapping salesmen', but it is exactly that which the NVA BMU enhances, along with much more enjoyable listening.

I intend to fully retire in a year or so with a second gratuity. So, which NVA amps would I need to buy to experience a really worthwhile improvement over what I have? Plus, what are the benefits of separate pre / power and mono blocks over integrated amps?

I know there is fierce loyalty on this message board, but an honest, unbiased reply would be appreciated.

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:00 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Your existing gear has a second hand value where you can sell it on ebay and buy a better nva system and have enough money over to have a decent holiday :mrgreen:

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:23 am
by applemarc
The Doc lets you try if you don't like it send it back

My business partner had a Linn LP12 Ittok and a Linn MC cartridge not sure which one Naim CD player and a Naim 32.5 Pre and a 140 power amp she heard the NVA AP50 and the following day put her amps up for sale on eBay. She bought a AP50 and a phone 2 and has never look back.

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:47 am
by antonio66
Did you listen to any other cd/amplifiers before you purchased Naim.? I used Naim amps for many years and a big improvement for me was Chord Epic speaker cable over NAC5, although that was the only cable I tried. I also had Epos ES14's and it took Shahinian Obelisks to make me change them. I am now a very happy owner of Cube 3's, which going on memory give me more musical satisfaction than the ES14's. If you are ever in my neck of the woods you're more than welcome to listen to the Cubes.

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:32 am
by jammy395
I intend to fully retire in a year or so with a second gratuity. So, which NVA amps would I need to buy to experience a really worthwhile improvement over what I have? Plus, what are the benefits of separate pre / power and mono blocks over integrated amps?

Any of em Mal......Just buy the best you can afford. :guiness;

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:21 am
by Lindsayt
In terms of sound quality I think you could make more improvements by changing your speakers than changing your amplification. But speakers are a highly personal choice as it's not just the sound, it's the looks and size that are important to many people.

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:41 am
by Fretless
Malaikat wrote:I know there is fierce loyalty on this message board, but an honest, unbiased reply would be appreciated.
The loyalty to NVA product here is inspired by the quality experienced by those of us with this equipment - rather than any slick, suave and seductive sales talk from the Doc.

You could easily place me into this category - I've had an NVA amp for 30 years and don't want anything else. The unique design philosophy born out of a lifetime of hard-won experience gives those lucky enough to have NVA gear a truly musical experience at an absurdly accessible price.

Fretless - unapologetic NVA fan. :twisted:

But seriously - and coming down to earth a bit. There are a lot of HFS forum members who would be more than happy to invite you in for a coffee and a listen to their gear. Even the humble P20/A20 combination has been receiving nothing but praise.

Depending on budget - this is an excellent system that will make you very happy

P50SA / SSC / A40 / LS5 / Cube3

and considering moving up to - (which would make you even happier!):

P90SA / SSP / A80 / LS6 / Cube1 (you could also go for bi-amping here)

Part of the fun of NVA is starting gently and working your way up, enjoying the improvements.

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:19 am
by _D_S_J_R_
Naim is reliable and holds value well among the faithful. Apart from that, the facilities on new streaming units may appeal. Other than that, there's very little, as technical and subjective performance has been left behind decades ago in all honesty. The upgrade slog (sometimes by hobbling lower units) coupled with ever increasing prices, is also a royal pain. Very recent Naims show signs of small change, but for me it's too little far too late and at what (retail) price? Dealers don't get Linn-style margins either unless this has changed in very recent times. The sound from these items up and down the range is limited to mid-bass to mid-hf and hf grain, no deep bass substance and hard clipping all date them badly in my opinion. It's all a compromise, but a limited one I feel.

Baby NVA amps won't have the meat and 'punch' of midrange Naims (that's why the bigger amps exist in the range), but they'll 'do' air, timbre details, space and imaging that Naims can't even dream of and NONE of them will hurt your ears if pushed too far. NVA speaker cables will happily work with anything else, so you could start here perhaps and change as you see fit. Maybe an SSP between the CD player and amp (I think they use phono sockets these days in addition to the godawful traditional DIN ones which limit choice (deliberately?).

Remember, the Naims that started it all with really nice sound had gone by 1981. What came after was basically a domesticated low power PA amp that sounded 'exciting' to twenty year olds wanting loud harsh rock and pop music, These people are now my age (late 50's)...

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:55 am
by applemarc
Get an AP 50 or AP70 sell the Naim and have change for different speakers

Re: Some SERIOUS advice please!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:15 pm
by George Hincapie
Moving from Naim, I'd suggest A80s, P90SA, LS6 and SSP MKII with source of your choice.