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Political Correctness

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:15 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
I think I have made my position clear, but just in case not and to counter the reality twisters that abound around the forums. Political correctness served a purpose as a counter to -isms that had become prevalent in UK society. It started in the 70's mainly as a reaction to colour prejudice, but now includes, sexual, gender, age, disability, and I am sure other -isms. Well we have changed, the -isms still exist but they have now reached a level of understanding that they can be countered or informed by normal comment and or pisstake if needed, it is only when pisstake is accepted does censorship stop, IMO political correctness is now becoming a liability not an asset.

It is only when we can talk about -isms and the behaviour behind them that they become part of our society and respected or disrespected for what they are / not, not just behind the hand snide comment, open discussion.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 9:16 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Are you all to politically correct to comment, yet some of you can comment on other forums.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:48 pm
by valvesRus
I was going to post diatribe on your attitude to the subject, but, after careful consideration, I've decided not to.

Whatever is said, nothing is likely to change your views.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:04 am
by joe
I'm not sure what your point is, really. If you think racism, sexism and homophobia are things of the past, you're wrong, but that may not be your point.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:35 am
by zebbo
Political correctness has certainly gotten rather too extreme in my view. The aspect of it that gets my goat the most is the number of people actively looking for reasons to be offended on someone else's behalf, they are the real racists, finding it where it really doesn't exist, stupid things. For example, we're constantly being told what we can and can't call black people. A while back calling them black was deemed offensive so we called them coloured. Then we were told, no, black is good and coloured is unacceptable WTF! They have the population walking on eggshells. If you want to see REAL racism, try being a white girl working in a predominantly black area of London! My daughter was in such a position and finished up having to quit her job or risk having a nervous breakdown and all due to the almost constant stream of racial abuse aimed at her by the public. Her employer did pretty much fuck-all about it so she left and moved back this way. Do you think that would have been tolerated the other way around? The hell it would. Also, the levels of racism between many of the minorities, (if that's not too offensive a description), is outrageous.
Sure, as has been said, all the isms are still there and they pretty much always will be but it needs to hit where and when it happens not by this continuous nannying. As for "positive discrimination" who the hell thought that was a good idea? Discrimination is discrimination in my book but obviously that doesn't count any more as I am a heterosexual white male.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:10 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Thank you Zebbo - someone who understands the thread. Both the others just go off on the subjects of the political correctness not the ACTUAL subject of political correctness itself. One from valvesrus make me really wonder where these people get their brains from to twist like this. BUT that is their problem, they put their own twist and their own prejudice into the subject, not what has been said or the subject being discussed, there is little point trying to communicate with these people, it is they who need to develop.

Back to your sensible post, yes racism exists both ways, but it is getting far less, look at all the mixed relationships and children from them, nature always finds balance and solves things like this - IT JUST TAKES TIME. But political correctness doesn't allow black on white racism to be discussed, it doesn't allow bias in jobs and appointments according to sexuality, proved to happen in the theatre and even the BBC. Only when political correctness goes away and all aspects of -isms good and bad can be discussed will we get to the back of this. As I said the bias of political correctness was needed, it was needed to end the rampant prejudices that were a normal part of British life, and accepted as such, the shock was needed to knock us out of it, BUT times change we need to grow up and take responsibility for our opinions and be able to discuss them again.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:21 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Racism hides in the shadows, because that is where you have driven it, to fester in its own pollution, only by allowing the light of day and reason and DISCUSSION will these people see the wrong in their thoughts. Prejudice is a brainwash, often inflicted on areas and groups and social classes, it needs to be exposed, otherwise we will get getto mentality, and we see that developing now. Racism, Religion, wealth, even sexuality (look at Brighton) is creating gettos, political correctness is helping this develop creating the divisions.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 9:31 am
by karatestu
zebbo wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:35 am Political correctness has certainly gotten rather too extreme in my view. The aspect of it that gets my goat the most is the number of people actively looking for reasons to be offended on someone else's behalf, they are the real racists, finding it where it really doesn't exist, stupid things. For example, we're constantly being told what we can and can't call black people. A while back calling them black was deemed offensive so we called them coloured. Then we were told, no, black is good and coloured is unacceptable WTF! They have the population walking on eggshells. If you want to see REAL racism, try being a white girl working in a predominantly black area of London! My daughter was in such a position and finished up having to quit her job or risk having a nervous breakdown and all due to the almost constant stream of racial abuse aimed at her by the public. Her employer did pretty much fuck-all about it so she left and moved back this way. Do you think that would have been tolerated the other way around? The hell it would. Also, the levels of racism between many of the minorities, (if that's not too offensive a description), is outrageous.
Sure, as has been said, all the isms are still there and they pretty much always will be but it needs to hit where and when it happens not by this continuous nannying. As for "positive discrimination" who the hell thought that was a good idea? Discrimination is discrimination in my book but obviously that doesn't count any more as I am a heterosexual white male.
I agree with this 100 %

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 9:11 pm
by keepitsimplestupid
I get both sides. I'm an old northerner and my Mrs is a clinical psychologist for the NHS so gets PC stuff rammed down her neck.

I don't have many friends who aren't caucasian European in heritage so I get pretty much zero exposure to the favoured terms to describe people's heritage, race, skin colour, however you care to describe it. I wasn't aware that black was the new coloured, genuinely. Knowing that I don't know the correct terms to use regarding ethnicity it's a topic I just don't touch and not a way of describing people that i use, not that skin tone isn't sometimes the easiest way of distinguishing a person as it's usually quite obvious visually speaking.

I fall into the 'couldn't really care if you're offended by my use of words' camp. I'm not going to change my language because a word I use has a different meaning for you, or that it has come to mean something else over time with use in certain sector of society. Sure, some words and phrases are just ugly and were never used for anything but offending people, I steer clear of those.

But the truth is, if you're an arsehole, it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, favourite beard trim length is, you're still an arsehole.

I do laugh at people who take offence at anything though, they're just a waste of space.

Re: Political Correctness

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 9:14 pm
by Daniel Quinn
The only consolation is. Long after we are dead . It will be a more enlightened population.