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New Arm

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 8:12 pm
by Latteman
Made myself a new tonearm- I usually modify tonearms but this one is fully me.
12” wooden wand, single pivot bearing- very small ring bearing with a running shoe spike- headshell is a cutdown sme type, litz wire underneath in a cut groove pva glue sealed.
Took a week to make-
First listen to it installed and bedding in.
It’s interesting- not what I was expecting- there is a character to it - I can’t decide nor describe yet what I’m hearing. It’s not unpleasant and it’s not ‘exciting nor dull’ it appears to be ‘just there /or not’ the level of detail and image is definitely different- more listening was required
One day in and I’m beguiled- it’s addictive- quieter, when a note stops it stops- I can tell if a singer is hushed- it’s so nice to sit n listen to- my sound stage and quality of tone on instruments is also different-
This is a cheap pine dowel from BnQ so I’m considering a different wood.

my screen size in pixels

Re: New Arm

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 6:50 pm
by Vinyl-ant
Try a tube instead of a solid arm wand, a solid wand resonates a hell of a lot more than a tube does. A solid wand can sound abit odd, something you cant put your finger on in the midrange.

Guess how i know

Also try a flat wand, i made a flat one years ago fom acrylic that was quite good that i may revisit if i get the time

Re: New Arm

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 6:53 pm
by Vinyl-ant
Heres a link to what i did, starts about 5 years ago.

Hopefully theres some nuggets in there for you to look at

Re: New Arm

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 3:52 pm
by Latteman
Wow- that was an interesting but long read- thanks- it certainly helps having the tools for the job- your level of finish and skill far out shines mine- but I’m happy with mine for the moment
The science is interesting and have reverse worked your descriptions to mine to work out what is happening-😜🤔🫣